Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals LEGAL NOTICE
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a remote access only public hearing on March 27, 2024, at 6:40 P.M. on the application of Gary Shepherd for a Special Permit under Zoning Bylaw §§145-46, 145-65, and 145-40. The applicant is requesting a Special Permit to continue existing operations and remove 109,000 cu. yds of gravel from the property at 3 Wheeler Road (Assessor’s Map 4, Block 9, Lot 0).
The public may attend the remote access only public hearing on TCAM, Inc. hosted Zoom meeting at:
Meeting ID: 860 0858 4481 Passcode: 078675. The meeting agenda and login credentials may be found on the town calendar at The meeting is being held remotely due to the extension granted by the Massachusetts Legislature. An Act Extending Certain COVID-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency. Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2022.
Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or in by attending the hearing. Copies of this application are available for review in Townsend Town Hall during business hours or email request to:
Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
William Cadogan, Chairman
Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals
3/8 and 3/15/2024 B