In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A, §§ 9 & 11 and the Code of the Town of Townsend, Zoning By-laws, §145-42 Site Plan Review Special Permit, §145-65 Special Permits, & § 145-54.1 Age restricted development, Townsend General Bylaw Chapter 85: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management and Chapter 175: Article V Stormwater Regulations the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 8th, 2024, at 6:45 p.m., in the Selectmen’s Chambers at Memorial Hall, 272 Main Street, and via Zoom online via the following link:, ID: 816 3221 9544 PC: 032767 to review an application received from Philip Colameta, Daisem LLC requesting a site plan review, age restricted development special permit and a stormwater management permit. The proposed project involves the construction of three new two-unit residential buildings and the conversion of a single-family home into a two-unit residential building. Additionally, the project includes associated utilities, stormwater management infrastructure, driveways, and outdoor recreation areas. The property is located at 108 Fitchburg Road, identified on Assessor’s Map 16, Block 42, Lot 0, and falls within both RA and RB zoning districts.
Interested parties can express their support or opposition during the hearing or submit written comments beforehand. Copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during regular business hours.
Laura E. Shifrin, Chair
6/14 and 6/21/2024 B