In accordance with MGL Chapter 40-A and Townsend Zoning By-laws, Section 145-42 Site Plan Review Special Permit and Section 145-65 Special Permits, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, Nov. 4th, 2024, at 7:45 p.m., in the Selectmen’s Chambers at Memorial Hall, 272 Main Street, and via virtual access Zoom link
Meeting ID:81632219544 PC:032767
to review an application received from Ami Shah, regarding a “Change in Use” proposal to renovate existing building structures located at 249 Main St, Assessor’s 51, Block 93, Lot 0 Map zoned DCD (Downtown Commercial District) and Aquifer Protection Overlay District to open and operate a United Parcel Service commercial store.
Interested parties can express their support or opposition during the hearing or submit written comments beforehand. Copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall during regular business hours or via email to for a digital copy. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura E. Shifrin, Chair
Townsend Planning Board
10/18 and 10/25/2024 B