In accordance with Townsend General Bylaw Chapter 85: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management and Chapter 175: Article V Stormwater Regulations the Planning Board will hold a hybrid public hearing on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 6:45 pm at Memorial Hall, 272 Main Street, and via Zoom webcast at the following link:
Meet ID: 898 5749 9183 PC: 712534, to review and hear an application for a major stormwater management permit for construction of a shared driveway providing access to two single family residential dwellings at 66 Bayberry Hill Rd. (Assessor's Map 9, Block 32 Lot 0) zoned RB. The Applicant estimates 120,000-sf of land disturbance with 1,800-cy of fill and disturbance to steep slopes for the project. The land disturbance proposed is above the threshold requiring a major stormwater management permit.
The application is available for review at the offices of the Planning Board, and Town Clerk at 272 Main Street during regular business hours. Parties wishing to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, this proposal may do so in writing prior to the hearing or may appear at the hearing in person.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Shifrin, Chair
8/18 and 8/25/2023 A