Sealed Bids for the construction of the "Main Street and Cross Street Generators" will be received by the Townsend Water Department, 540 Main Street, West Townsend, MA 01474 until 2:00 p.m. local time on December 13, 2022 at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. Sealed Bids must have outer envelope marked as "Main Street and Cross Street Generators".
The work for the Main Street and Cross Street Generator project consists of the following work at each pump station location:
Base Bid: Main Street Pump Station: Install a new 150 kW natural gas fueled generator, ATS, and associated electrical work. Work includes but is not limited tothe generator pad and natural gas fuel piping and appurtenances.
Add Alternate No. 1: Cross Street Pump Station: Install a new 60 kW propane fueled generator, ATS, and associated electrical work. Work includes but is not limited to the generator pad and propane fuel piping and appurtenances.
All Bids for this project are subject to the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 149, Section 44A - 44J inclusive amended.
In accordance with Section 44D of Chapter 149 of the General Laws of Massachusetts as amended, the prospective General Bidders must submit with their Bid, a certificate of eligibility issued by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), showing that the Bidder has been approved to bid on projects ofthe size and nature as advertised herein. Prospective General Bidders must also submit an updated statement summarizing their record for the period between the latest DCAMM certificate and thedate of the Bid submittal. The DCAMM certificate of eligibility to be submitted by the General Bidder shall be for the category of work defined as "Pumping Stations and/or "Electrical".
Bidding Documents may be obtained electronically from the Tighe & Bond website at:
Prospective bidders must complete a one-time registration process on the website in order to receive log-in credentials. Bidders must log into the website to download bidding documents for the project. Bidders will be added to the "plan holders" or prospective bidders list upon downloading the bidding documents for the project.
Abid deposit shall be furnished ni accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Minimum Wage Rates as determined by the Commissioner of Department of Workforce Development under the provision of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 26 to 27D, as amended, apply to this project. It is the responsibility of the Contractor, before Bid opening, to request, if necessary, any additional information on Minimum Wage Rates for those tradespeople who may be employed for the proposed Work under this Contract.
Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in or to reject any or all Bids, or to accept any Bid which in their opinion is in the public interest to do so.
No pre-bid conference will be held. Any site visits by prospective bidders shall be scheduled by contacting the Townsend Water Department.
00100-1 Advertisement for Bids
Consulting Engineer: Tighe & Bond, Inc.
120 Front Street, Suite 700 Worcester, MA 01608 508-754-2201
11/18/2022 and 11/25/2022 B