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Townsend Legals


   In accordance with Townsend General Bylaw Chapter 85: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management and Chapter 175: Article V Stormwater Regulations the Planning Board will hold a hybrid public hearing on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 6:45 pm at Memorial Hall, 272 Main Street, and via Zoom webcast at the following link:

 Meet ID: 898 5749 9183 PC: 712534, to review and hear an application for a major stormwater management permit for construction of a shared driveway providing access to two single family residential dwellings at 66 Bayberry Hill Rd. (Assessor's Map 9, Block 32 Lot 0) zoned RB.  The Applicant estimates 120,000-sf of land disturbance with 1,800-cy of fill and disturbance to steep slopes for the project.  The land disturbance proposed is above the threshold requiring a major stormwater management permit.  

The application is available for review at the offices of the Planning Board, and Town Clerk at 272 Main Street during regular business hours.   Parties wishing to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, this proposal may do so in writing prior to the hearing or may appear at the hearing in person.

Respectfully submitted, 

Laura Shifrin, Chair

8/18 and 8/25/2023 A  



   Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at approximately 8:00 pm. The hearing will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Notice of Intent (NOI) filed with the Conservation Commission by David Jakubiak. The property is located at 56 Bayberry Hill Road (Assessor’s Map 17, Parcel 6). 

   The proposed project involves the construction of a new house within the same footprint as the existing house and the installation of a septic system to replace the existing failed system. Parts of this project will take place within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland and within 200 feet of a Riverfront Area.

   Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Matthew Matos, Agent,

Townsend Conservation Commission

7/21/2023 B


   The Town of Townsend is requesting proposals for a unique opportunity: The rehabilitation of the property located at 65 Main St., Townsend MA, the Old Harbor Fire Station, shown on Assessors Maps as Map 34, Block 50, Lot 0, consisting of .11 acres, more or less. The Town is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of the structure on the property into a space suitable for a fire museum. The structure should have updated bathroom and systems and a plan for ADA compliant entrance. 

More specifically, the purpose of this RFP is to identify and select a proposal that:

• Maintains and rehabs the historic exterior of the structure; and

• Modernizes the interior of the structure with shell space suitable for museum space by a future tenant.

Following the release of this RFP, the selection process will be completed in approximately 4 weeks

Three (3) copies (one unbound) of the Price are to be submitted by 10:00 am on July 21, 2023. Proposals should be submitted to:

Eric Slagle,   


Town of Townsend

272 Main Street

Townsend, MA  01469 

Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to the Town Administrator (978) 597-1700 ext. 1701 or

The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice. The Town reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any proposal not submitted in conformance with this RFP and any amendments hereto, or to reject any and all proposals, in its sole discretion, for any reason. the Town further reserves the right to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in the Town's best interest to do so. If a contract is not executed with the Selected Applicant, the Town may choose to execute a contract with an alternate applicant from the pool of respondents, to terminate the selection process, or to begin a new selection process.

6/23/2023 and 6/30/2023 E



  The Town of Townsend is requesting proposals for a unique opportunity: The rehabilitation of the property located at 8 Elm St., Townsend MA, the Old Central Fire Station, shown on Assessors Maps as Map 52, Block 22, Lot 0, consisting of .13 acres, more or less.  

The Town is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of the structure on the property into a space suitable for a commercial, office, small restaurant, or gallery space. The structure should have updated bathroom and systems and a plan for ADA compliant entrance. 

More specifically, the purpose of this RFP is to identify and select a proposal that:

• Maintains and rehabs the historic exterior of the structure; and

• Modernizes the interior of the structure with shell space suitable for commercial, office, small restaurant, or gallery space by a future tenant.

Following the release of this RFP, the selection process will be completed in approximately 4 weeks.

Three (3) copies (one unbound) of the Price are to be submitted by 10:00 am on July 21, 2023. Proposals should be submitted to:

Eric Slagle

Town Administrator

Town of Townsend

272 Main Street

Townsend, MA  01469 

Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. 

All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to Town Administrator, Eric Slagle

(978) 597-1700 ext. 1701 or

The Town makes no express or implied representations or warranties as to the accuracy and/or completeness of any of the information provided as part of this Request for Proposals, including information that is available upon request. This information is provided subject to errors, omissions, change of cost, lease or conditions, additional changes in and different interpretations of laws and regulations, prior sale, lease or financing.

The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice.

The Town reserves the right to seek additional information or revised proposals from respondents or finalists at any time prior to selection of developers through written notice to all respondents. The Town reserves the right to change the selection process or schedule with written notice to all respondents to the RFP or finalists, as necessary.

The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice. The Town reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any proposal not submitted in conformance with this RFP and any amendments hereto, or to reject any and all proposals, in its sole discretion, for any reason. the Town further reserves the right to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in the Town's best interest to do so. If a contract is not executed with the Selected Applicant, the Town may choose to execute a contract with an alternate applicant from the pool of respondents, to terminate the selection process, or to begin a new selection process.

6/23/2023 and 6/30/2023 C

  The Town of Townsend is requesting proposals for a unique opportunity: The rehabilitation of the property located at 276 Main St., Townsend MA, the Hart Free Library, shown on Assessors Maps as Map 51, Block 1, Lot 0, consisting of .5 acres, more or less. The Town is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of the structure on the property into three commercial/office/gallery spaces, two on the first floor and one in the basement. The structure should have common, updated bathrooms and a plan for ADA compliant entrances to all three spaces. A septic solution should also be a part of the proposal.

More specifically, the purpose of this RFP is to identify and select a proposal that:

• Maintains and rehabs the historic exterior of the structure; and

• Modernizes the interior of the structure with shell space suitable for conversion to office, commercial or gallery space by a future tenant.

Following the release of this RFP, the selection process will be completed in approximately 4 weeks. 

Three (3) copies (one unbound) of the Price are to be submitted by 10:00 am on July 21, 2023. Proposals should be submitted to:

Eric Slagle, 

Town Administrator

Town of Townsend

272 Main Street

Townsend, MA  01469 

Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to the Town Administrator (978) 597-1700 ext. 1701 or

   The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice. The Town reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any proposal not submitted in conformance with this RFP and any amendments hereto, or to reject any and all proposals, in its sole discretion, for any reason. the Town further reserves the right to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in the Town's best interest to do so. If a contract is not executed with the Selected Applicant, the Town may choose to execute a contract with an alternate applicant from the pool of respondents, to terminate the selection process, or to begin a new selection process.

6/23/2023 and 6/30/2023 D



The Town of Townsend is requesting proposals for a unique opportunity: The rehabilitation of the property located at 65 Main St., Townsend MA, the Old Harbor Fire Station, shown on Assessors Maps as Map 34, Block 50, Lot 0, consisting of .11 acres, more or less. The Town is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of the structure on the property into a space suitable for a fire museum. The structure should have updated bathroom and systems and a plan for ADA compliant entrance. 

More specifically, the purpose of this RFP is to identify and select a proposal that:

• Maintains and rehabs the historic exterior of the structure; and

• Modernizes the interior of the structure with shell space suitable for museum space by a future tenant.

Following the release of this RFP, the selection process will be completed in approximately 4 weeks

Three (3) copies (one unbound) of the Price are to be submitted by 10:00 am on July 21, 2023. Proposals should be submitted to:

Eric Slagle,   


Town of Townsend

272 Main Street

Townsend, MA  01469 

Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to the Town Administrator (978) 597-1700 ext. 1701 or

The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice. The Town reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any proposal not submitted in conformance with this RFP and any amendments hereto, or to reject any and all proposals, in its sole discretion, for any reason. the Town further reserves the right to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in the Town's best interest to do so. If a contract is not executed with the Selected Applicant, the Town may choose to execute a contract with an alternate applicant from the pool of respondents, to terminate the selection process, or to begin a new selection process.

6/23/2023 and 6/30/2023 G




The Town of Townsend is requesting proposals for a unique opportunity: The rehabilitation of the property located at 276 Main St., Townsend MA, the Hart Free Library, shown on Assessors Maps as Map 51, Block 1, Lot 0, consisting of .5 acres, more or less. The Town is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of the structure on the property into three commercial/office/gallery spaces, two on the first floor and one in the basement. The structure should have common, updated bathrooms and a plan for ADA compliant entrances to all three spaces. A septic solution should also be a part of the proposal.

More specifically, the purpose of this RFP is to identify and select a proposal that:

• Maintains and rehabs the historic exterior of the structure; and

• Modernizes the interior of the structure with shell space suitable for conversion to office, commercial or gallery space by a future tenant.

Following the release of this RFP, the selection process will be completed in approximately 4 weeks. 

Three (3) copies (one unbound) of the Price are to be submitted by 10:00 am on July 21, 2023. Proposals should be submitted to:

Eric Slagle, 

Town Administrator

Town of Townsend

272 Main Street

Townsend, MA  01469 

Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to the Town Administrator (978) 597-1700 ext. 1701 or

   The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice. The Town reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any proposal not submitted in conformance with this RFP and any amendments hereto, or to reject any and all proposals, in its sole discretion, for any reason. the Town further reserves the right to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in the Town's best interest to do so. If a contract is not executed with the Selected Applicant, the Town may choose to execute a contract with an alternate applicant from the pool of respondents, to terminate the selection process, or to begin a new selection process.

6/23/2023 and 6/30/2023 F



The Town of Townsend is requesting proposals for a unique opportunity: The rehabilitation of the property located at 8 Elm St., Townsend MA, the Old Central Fire Station, shown on Assessors Maps as Map 52, Block 22, Lot 0, consisting of .13 acres, more or less.  

The Town is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation of the structure on the property into a space suitable for a commercial, office, small restaurant, or gallery space. The structure should have updated bathroom and systems and a plan for ADA compliant entrance. 

More specifically, the purpose of this RFP is to identify and select a proposal that:

• Maintains and rehabs the historic exterior of the structure; and

• Modernizes the interior of the structure with shell space suitable for commercial, office, small restaurant, or gallery space by a future tenant.

Following the release of this RFP, the selection process will be completed in approximately 4 weeks.

Three (3) copies (one unbound) of the Price are to be submitted by 10:00 am on July 21, 2023. Proposals should be submitted to:

Eric Slagle

Town Administrator

Town of Townsend

272 Main Street

Townsend, MA  01469 

Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected. 

All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to Town Administrator, Eric Slagle

(978) 597-1700 ext. 1701 or

The Town makes no express or implied representations or warranties as to the accuracy and/or completeness of any of the information provided as part of this Request for Proposals, including information that is available upon request. This information is provided subject to errors, omissions, change of cost, lease or conditions, additional changes in and different interpretations of laws and regulations, prior sale, lease or financing.

The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice.

The Town reserves the right to seek additional information or revised proposals from respondents or finalists at any time prior to selection of developers through written notice to all respondents. The Town reserves the right to change the selection process or schedule with written notice to all respondents to the RFP or finalists, as necessary.

The Town reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or amend this RFP at any time without notice. The Town reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any proposal not submitted in conformance with this RFP and any amendments hereto, or to reject any and all proposals, in its sole discretion, for any reason. the Town further reserves the right to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in the Town's best interest to do so. If a contract is not executed with the Selected Applicant, the Town may choose to execute a contract with an alternate applicant from the pool of respondents, to terminate the selection process, or to begin a new selection process.

6/23/2023 and 6/30/2023 E

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at approximately 7:15 pm. The hearing will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Notice of Intent (NOI) filed with the Conservation Commission by Terrence McGee. The property is located at 158 Main Street (Assessor’s Map 26, Parcel 5). 

The proposed project involves the clean-up, repair, and re-vegetation of a previously disturbed swale, followed by the restoration of the natural run-off conditions. This project will take place within a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.

Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Jessica Consolvo, Agent,

Townsend Conservation Commission

6/23/2023 D 


Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a work session on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 during their 7:00pm meeting. The work session will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Request for Determination of Applicability filed with the Conservation Commission by Allen Dixon. The property is located at 187 Wallace Hill Road (Assessor’s Map 35, Parcel 28, Lot 1). 

The proposed project is for the   of an aboveground pool. This work will take place within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.

Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Jessica Consolvo, Agent

Townsend Conservation Commission 

6/23/2023 C



Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

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[Prescott Community Center]

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