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Townsend Legals

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a work session on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 during their 7:00pm meeting. The work session will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Request for Determination of Applicability filed with the Conservation Commission by Patrick & Rebecca Christman. The property is located at 8 West Elm Street (Assessor’s Map 48, Parcel 19). The proposed project is for the construction of a deck within 100 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland.

Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

James Gates, Chair

Townsend Conservation Commission

12/8/2023 B 

 In accordance with MGL Ch. 40, §15C – Scenic Roads, Townsend General Bylaws Ch. 106 and Planning Board Rules and Regulations, Article IV, §175: 31-34 – Hearings Under the Scenic Road Act, the Townsend Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 18th, at 6:45 p.m., in Selectmen’s Chambers, 272 Main Street regarding an application from Daisem LLC, for removal of a 25 foot section of a stone wall for a driveway entrance at 108 West Meadow Rd (4-20-3). Alternatively, the public may access the meeting electronically via the following link:

Meeting ID: 810 4739 0421.  Passcode: 572900. Dial in access +16469313860.

   Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the hearing or in writing prior to the hearing.  Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Laura Shifrin, Chair,

Townsend Planning Board

12/1 and 12/8/2023 A

   In accordance with MGL Ch. 40, §15C – Scenic Roads, Townsend General Bylaws Ch. 106 and Planning Board Rules and Regulations, Article IV, §175: 31-34 – Hearings Under the Scenic Road Act, the Townsend Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 18th, at 6:45 p.m., in Selectmen’s Chambers, 272 Main Street regarding an application from Daisem LLC, for removal of a 25 foot section of a stone wall for a driveway entrance at 108 West Meadow Rd (4-20-3). Alternatively, the public may access the meeting electronically via the following link:

Meeting ID: 810 4739 0421.  Passcode: 572900. Dial in access +16469313860.

   Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the hearing or in writing prior to the hearing.  Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Laura Shifrin, Chair,

Townsend Planning Board

12/1 and 12/8/2023 C

  In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaws §§145-36, 145-65 and 145-66, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 6, 7:10PM, to hear a renewal of a Special Permit for an Accessory Apartment at 168 Lunenburg Road (Assessor’s Map 8-39-0) by Edward Coffin. The meeting will be held electronically.  To join the meeting online please use this link: To join by phone, please dial +13092053325 and enter meeting ID: 899 2132 0804 and the password 680376 when prompted.  

   The public is welcome. The application is available for review at the Town Clerk or Land Use Offices.

William Cadogan, Chairman

Townsend Zoning Board of 


11/17 and 11/24/23 B


  In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaws §§145-36, 145-65 and 145-66, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 6, 7:10PM, to hear a renewal of a Special Permit for an Accessory Apartment at 168 Lunenburg Road (Assessor’s Map 8-39-0) by Edward Coffin. The meeting will be held electronically.  To join the meeting online please use this link: To join by phone, please dial +13092053325 and enter meeting ID: 899 2132 0804 and the password 680376 when prompted.  

   The public is welcome. The application is available for review at the Town Clerk or Land Use Offices.

William Cadogan, Chairman

Townsend Zoning Board of 


11/17 and 11/24/23 E



   In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaws §§145-36, 145-65 and 145-66, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 6, 7:10PM, to hear a renewal of a Special Permit for an Accessory Apartment at 168 Lunenburg Road (Assessor’s Map 8-39-0) by Edward Coffin. The meeting will be held electronically.  To join the meeting online please use this link: To join by phone, please dial +13092053325 and enter meeting ID: 899 2132 0804 and the password 680376 when prompted.  

   The public is welcome. The application is available for review at the Town Clerk or Land Use Offices.

William Cadogan, Chairman

Townsend Zoning Board of 


11/17 and 11/24/23 E


 Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a work session on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 during their 7:00pm meeting. The work session will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Request for Determination of Applicability filed with the Conservation Commission by Jonathan Fair. The property is located at 81 Turnpike Road (Assessor’s Map 19, Parcel 48). 

The proposed project is for the removal of an existing exterior deck and the construction of a new deck and attached mudroom within 100 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland.

   Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

James Gates, Chair

Townsend Conservation Commission

11/3/2023 B 




The Townsend Board of Selectmen is holding a 30-day public comment period from 08/22/2023 until 09/22/2023 for public feedback with comments from citizens on the Municipal Electricity Aggregation Plan developed consistent with the municipal aggregation statute, G.L. Chapter 164, Section 134 and a hybrid public hearing on

October 3, 2023 at 6PM

at the Selectmen Chambers of the Town of Townsend

Town Hall, 272 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Townsend, MA 01469

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 0001 9396

Passcode: 183696

Copies of the Plan are available at the Town Clerk’s office, at multiple municipal buildings, on the Town’s web page and at

Through the Program, the Town will provide new electricity supply options to Townsend residents and businesses. The Local Distribution Company, Unitil, will remain responsible for distribution of electricity, maintaining electricity infrastructure and responding to power outages. This Plan does not obligate the Town to pursue aggregation if conditions are not favorable. The Program enables the Town to select the characteristics of the electricity supply options, also known as products. The Program will be open to all residents and businesses in the Town, and it will offer a standard product and optional products. At launch, all Eligible Customers1 will be automatically enrolled in the Program’s standard product unless they exercise their right to opt out or choose an optional product. Once the Program is operational, participating residents and businesses would retain the right 1) to change to an optional     l product or 2) to opt out of the Program with no penalty and to choose any other electricity supplier or stay with the Basic Service supply from the Local Distribution Company. Residents and businesses that do not initially participate in the Program may join the Program at any time. A key focus of the Program will be to provide electricity options that match the diverse needs of our community, which include: ● Negotiating the best terms and conditions for electricity supply: It is important to note that the Program cannot guarantee prices will be lower than the Unitil Basic Service prices at all times, because Basic Service prices change frequently and future prices are unknown. ● Using and supporting the growth of renewable electricity. ● Supporting electrification, particularly for heating and transportation currently powered by fossil fuels. The Town of Townsend will develop and implement the Program as described in this Plan. 

Please submit comments to until 09/22/2023. 

9/8 and 9/15/23 F



Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a work session on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 during their 7:00pm meeting. The work session will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Request for Determination of Applicability filed with the Conservation Commission by James Hamel. The property is located at 19 Worcester Road (Assessor’s Map 49, Parcel 8). 

The proposed project is for the installation of a new 2,500 gallon 2-compartment septic tank and a leach field. The existing septic tank will be pumped, crushed, and filled. Part of this work will take place within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.

Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Matthew Matos, Agent

Townsend Conservation Commission



Division of Wetlands and Waterways

1 Winter Street

Boston, MA 02108

Publication Date: September 8, 2023

Pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1341 and M.G.L. c. 21 §§26-53, notice is given of a 401 Water Quality Certification application by Brett King of 79 Bayberry Hill Road, Townsend, MA, for the construction of a shared driveway providing access to two (2) single-family dwellings at 66 Bayberry Hill Road. Additional information may be obtained from Dillis & Roy Civil Design Group, Inc. – Lunenburg, MA 01462, 978-779-6091 - Attn: Ryan Proctor. Written comments should be sent to MassDEP-Division of Wetlands and Waterways, 1 Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108 within twenty-one days of this notice. 

Any group of ten persons, any aggrieved person, or any governmental body or private organization with a mandate to protect the environment who submits written comments may appeal the Department’s Certification. Failure to submit written comments before the end of the public comment period may result in the waiver of any right to an adjudicatory hearing.

9/8/23 I



Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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