At its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Second Level, the Townsend Conservation Commission will consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) to remove invasive plants and trees that have been compromised by those invasives from the bank of Locke Brook at 22 & 42 West Meadow Rd. Equipment will be operated 35’ from the brook. This work will take place on the bank of Locke brook and within the bordering vegetated wetland. Request submitted by James Deroian and Gary Shepherd of 42 & 22 West Meadow Rd. The Commission will make its determination in accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c.131 § 40, its associated Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the Town of Townsend Wetland Bylaw. The RDA is on file in the Commission office at the Town Hall. Please call 978-597-1700 x1733 or email to review the application.
Autumn Buck, Conservation Agent
Townsend Conservation Commission
4/19/2024 C