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Townsend Legals

Public Notice of Request For Determination
of Applicability to the MA Wetlands Protection Act
In in accordance with 310 CMR 10.05 (3)(b)(1) of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) regulations, public notice is hereby given of a Request For Determination of Applicability (RDA) for a proposed project to replace the Main Street Well Field in Townsend with a single well and decommission the existing well field. The proposed project will be undertaken by the Townsend Water Department. A public hearing on the RDA will be conducted by the Townsend Conservation Commission on March 24, 2021. The hearing will be held virtually. A copy of the RDA may be obtained by contacting Douglas DeNatale, AECOM, 250 Apollo Drive (telephone: 978-905-2180; email: doug.denatale@aecom. com).
3/5/2021 C
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall, 272 Main St., on the application of Joseph Iodice, Dianne Silva, and Debbie Iodice for a Special Permit under Zoning Bylaw Sections, 145-46, 145-65, and 145-40. The applicant is requesting a special permit for Earth Excavation for property located partly in the Aquifer Protection overlay District at 59 West Meadow Road; Assessor’s map 5, Block 4, Lot(s) 0 & 1, zoned partly RA3 & RB2 Zone
In accordance with the Governor’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, Section 20, all public meetings are being conducted remotely. You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at: 60780205?pwd=QWR4WlRDb ENsYlUzUzF0R0VWcFdrQT09
Meeting ID: 885 6078 0205 Passcode: 754990 or by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the following: Meeting ID: 885 6078 0205 Passcode: 754990
     Materials are available digitally on request by emailing
     Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
     Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available digitally upon request to bfaxon@ and for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Land Use Office during business hours.
William Cadogan Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
Jan 22 & Jan 29, 2021 D
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A, Townsend General Bylaw Chapter 85: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management and Chapter 175: Article V Stormwater Regulations, the Planning Board will hold a virtual public hearing Monday, February 8, 2021 at 7:15 p.m., regarding an application received from Debbie Iodice, Joseph Iodice, & Diana Silva proposing to move 109,000 sq. ft. of material on the property at 59 West Meadow Rd, Map 5 Block 4 Lot(s) 1 & 0 for a restoration project. The amount of material proposed to be disturbed is above the threshold requiring a Stormwater Management Permit. In accordance with the Governor’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, Section 20, all public meetings are being conducted remotely. You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at: 244154690?pwd=clNXTGQ2b mhxcjVRSnI2RUcybXhFUT09
Meeting ID: 882 4415 4690 Passcode: 949731, or by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the following: Meeting ID: 882 4415 4690 Passcode: 949731 digitally on request by emailing
Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Lance J. McNally, Chairman
January 22, 2021 & January29, 2021 C
Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals
Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall, 272 Main St., on the application of Joseph Iodice, Dianne Silva, and Debbie Iodice for a Special Permit under Zoning Bylaw Sections, 145-46, 145-65, and 145-40. The applicant is requesting a special permit for Earth Excavation for property located partly in the Aquifer Protection overlay District at 59 West Meadow Road; Assessor’s map 5, Block 4, Lot(s) 0 & 1, zoned partly RA3 & RB2 Zone.
     In accordance with the Governor’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, Section 20, all public meetings are being conducted remotely. You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at: 60780205?pwd=QWR4WlRDb ENsYlUzUzF0R0VWcFdrQT09
Meeting ID: 885 6078 0205 Passcode: 754990 or by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the following: Meeting ID: 885 6078 0205 Passcode: 754990.
     Materials are available digitally on request by emailing bfaxon@townsendma.govInterested parties are encouraged to attend.
     Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available digitally upon request to bfaxon@ and for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Land Use Office during business hours.
William Cadogan Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
Jan 22 & Jan 29, 2021 D
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A, Townsend General Bylaw Chapter 85: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Management and Chapter 175: Article V Stormwater Regulations, the Planning Board will hold a virtual public hearing Monday, February 8, 2021 at 7:15 p.m., regarding an application received from Debbie Iodice, Joseph Iodice, & Diana Silva proposing to move 109,000 sq. ft. of material on the property at 59 West Meadow Rd, Map 5 Block 4 Lot(s) 1 & 0 for a restoration project. The amount of material proposed to be disturbed is above the threshold requiring a Stormwater Management Permit. In accordance with the Governor’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, Section 20, all public meetings are being conducted remotely. You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at: 244154690?pwd=clNXTGQ2b mhxcjVRSnI2RUcybXhFUT09; Meeting ID: 882 4415 4690; Passcode: 949731, or by calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering the following: Meeting ID: 882 4415 4690 Passcode: 949731.
     Materials are available digitally on request by emailing Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Lance J. McNally, Chairman
Townsend Planning Board
January 22, 2021 & January29, 2021 C
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40-A Section 11, and Townsend Zoning By-laws, Section 145-42 Site Plan Review Special Permit, Section 145-65 Special Permits, and Section 145-51, Telecommunication and Cellular Towers, the Planning Board will hold a virtual public hearing on Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., regarding an application from Shayna L. Galinat, Industrial Communications & Electronics, Inc., to renew a special permit for an existing cell tower located at 60 Warren Rd., Assessor’s Map 32 Block(s) 18 & 19, Lot(s) 0, Zoned Residential RA3. In accordance with the Governor’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L.c.30A, Section 20, all public meetings are being conducted remotely.
     You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at https://us02web. G1jakVtUzlDMy91aHBsZVpBM 0p3dz09
Meeting ID: 872 3983 4673 Passcode: 555595
     The application is available for review on request by emailing bfaxon@townsendma.govor calling 978-597-1700 for an appointment to review materials at 272 Main St. Townsend, MA.
Respectfully submitted,
Lance J. McNally, Chairman
1/8/2021, 1/15/2021 B
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40-A §§ 9 & 11, and Townsend Zoning By-laws, Section 145-42 Site Plan Review Special Permit, Section 145-65 Special Permits, the Townsend Planning Board will hold a public hearing via Zoom on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 6:45 PM, on the application from Squannacook Greenways, Inc., for construction of 12 parking spaces to provide parking for the Squannacook Rail Trail at Depot St., Map 51 Block 136, Lot 1, DCD. You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at: https:// 34?pwd=dyt4aE9kWnl1RzB6d1 ZRd2VueFpMUT09
Meeting ID: 822 0951 4734 Passcode: 346760
Materials are available digitally on request by emailing
Parties wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposal may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the hearing, in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted, Lance McNally, Chairman
12/18, 12/25/2020 F
Townsend Planning Board
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40-A §§ 9 & 11, and Townsend Section Review Special Permit, Section 145-65. Special Permits, the Townsend Planning Board will hold a public hearing via Zoom on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 7:15 PM, on the application from Kevin Smith for construction and operation of a farm stand including building and parking for commercial use on the property located at 152 North End Road 38 Map 51 Block 10, Lot 0, in the RB District. You may attend the virtual public hearing on Zoom at: https:// 34?pwd=dyt4aE9kWnl1RzB6d1 ZRd2VueFpMUT09
Meeting ID: 822 0951 4734 Passcode: 346760 or Dial 1-301- 715-8592 and enter Meeting ID and Passcode provided.
Materials are available digitally on request by emailing
Parties wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposal may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the hearing, in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted, Lance McNally, Chairman
12/18, 12/25/2020 E


Groton Herald

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