Public Notice of Request For Determination
of Applicability to the MA Wetlands Protection Act
In in accordance with 310 CMR 10.05 (3)(b)(1) of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) regulations, public notice is hereby given of a Request For Determination of Applicability (RDA) for a proposed project to replace the Main Street Well Field in Townsend with a single well and decommission the existing well field. The proposed project will be undertaken by the Townsend Water Department. A public hearing on the RDA will be conducted by the Townsend Conservation Commission on March 24, 2021. The hearing will be held virtually. A copy of the RDA may be obtained by contacting Douglas DeNatale, AECOM, 250 Apollo Drive (telephone: 978-905-2180; email: doug.denatale@aecom. com).
3/5/2021 C