In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. on the application of Townsend Senior Center Expansion, LLC for a Special Permit under §145-54 pursuant to §145-65. The applicant proposes to construct a 2,246 S.F. addition to the Townsend Senior Center, associated sidewalks and bocci court located at 12 Dudley Road (Assessor’s Map 28, Block 56, Lot 0). The public hearing will be held remotely, the link for the meeting is: https://us02web. FFvR0U5Y0l5aTU1SndLc0ZCN FpDUT09 or by dial in, 1 (929) 205 6099. The meeting ID is 899 6456 4262 and Passcode is 498158.
Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the virtual hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Zoning Board of Appeals office during business hours or digitally upon request to bfaxon@
William Cadogan, Chairman,
Zoning Board of Appeals
March 19 and March 26, 2021 E