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Townsend Legals

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 7:10 pm. The hearing will be held virtually-only via a Zoom meeting, on a Request for Determination of Applicability filed with the Conservation Commission by Ms. Estelle Borneman. The property is located at 51 Emery Road (Assessor’s Map 24, Block 11, Lot 0).
     The proposed project is for the removal of approximately 25 pine trees near a residential structure, along a pond edge and within a tree line. The public is invited to attend.
Jessica Consolvo Agent, Townsend Conservation Commission
11/5/2021 C
Notice is hereby given that the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at 5:45 p.m. via remote public meeting on the application of J. Smart Contracting, LLC for the property located at 8 Jefts Street (Map 51, Block 38, Lot 0) for an Appeal of the Building Commissioner’s decision dated August 26, 2021, under §145-64 appealing the finding which states the Applicant is in violation of section 145-27 for a use that is not permitted in the Downtown Commercial District and/or a Special Permit under §145-65F & §145-18 of the Zoning Bylaw, seeking a positive finding under M.G.L. Chapter 40A Section 6 for a change of use of a legal pre-existing non-conforming use. Public may join the meeting at Zoom link: 
     http- s:// 85647100436?pwd=N3lpbE- JKcmEvRm1ZU1d4Q2R1TjBudz09
     Meeting ID: 856 4710 0436 Passcode: 209841 One tap mobile +13126266799.
Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Zoning Board Office during business hours.
William Cadogan
Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
October 29 and November 5, 2021 C
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a remote access virtual public hearing on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 6:15 p.m. on the application of Paul & Laurie Martin for a Special Permit and/or appeal of the Building Commissioners determination under Zoning Bylaw §§145-18, 145-64 and 145-65. The applicants are proposing to construct a deck addition within 1.1 ft. of the side yard lot line on the easterly side of a pre-existing non-conforming residential structure at 203 Main Street (Assessor’s Map 26, Block 23, Lot 0). Public remote only access to the meeting is via the following Zoom link: 84184663407?pwd=WFNpOFZLWERQUWNEaHJwTm9WNkVmQT09.
Meeting ID: 841 8466 3407 and Passcode:996868. Dial in access 1-301-715-8592
     Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the virtual hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Zoning Board of Appeals Office during business hours or, by emailing a request for a digital copy to
William Cadogan
Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
9/10/2021, 9/17/2021 B
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a remote access virtual public hearing on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 5:45pm, on the application of Hannaford Bros. Co., LLC, under Zoning Bylaw §§145-57, 145-64 and 145- 66. The applicant is requesting a Variance from the commercial and industrial district Signs Bylaw and/or an Appeal of the Building Commissioner’s determination to allow for a total of three (3) signs affixed to the Hannaford Building where one (1) sign is permitted. The property is located at 18 Main Street (Assessor’s Map 41, Block 4, Lot 0) in the Outlying Commercial District. The link to join the Zoom meeting is: 84184663407?pwd=WFNpOFZLWERQUWNEaHJwTm9WNkVmQT09. 
Meeting ID: 841 8466 3407 and Passcode: 996868. Dial in access 1-301-715-8592.
    Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the virtual hearing, or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Zoning Board of Appeals during business hours or, by emailing a request for a digital copy to bfax-
William Cadogan
Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A, Townsend Zoning Bylaw §145-42 Site Plan Review Special Permit and §145-65 Special Permits, and Art. 8, §145-33 the Planning Board will hold a virtual public hearing on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 6:45 pm to review an application received from Michael Parretti proposing to construct 13,493 sq. ft. of new parking spaces in 6 parking areas interspersed throughout Country Estates Condominium Complex at 5 Turnpike Road (Assessor's Map 50, Block 57 Lot 0) in the RA3 Zoning District. The public hearing will be held remotely via Zoom and the link is https:// 81461648163?pwd=akVDQitGaU53OURUNFZsdm80ejgwUT09
Meeting ID: 814 6164 8163 Passcode: 398046
     The application is available for review at the offices of the Planning Board, and Town Clerk at 272 Main St. during regular business hours or digitally upon request to Interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Lance J. McNally, Chairman
8/20/2021 and 8/27, 2021 C
The Townsend Conservation Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on August 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The hearing is in compliance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act MGL c.131 & 40. & 310 CMR 10.00 to review and discuss the Notice of Intent from Dillis & Roy Civil Design Group, Inc. for the construction of a public access trail. The trail will be an extension of Old Meetinghouse Road that will connect the northern & southern portions of Old Meeting House Road via a river crossing of Squannacook River.
     Old Meetinghouse Road is between Parcel ID 25-12-0 and Par- cel ID 34-25-1.
           7/30/2021 B
Proposed Well and Pumping Facilities, Main Street Well Field
LOCATION: 512 Main Street, Townsend,
MA PROPONENT: Townsend Water Department
The undersigned is submitting an Environmental Notification Form ("ENF") to the Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs on or before July 30,2021
     This will initiate review of the above project pursuant to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act ("MEPA", M.G.L. c. 30, s.s. 61-62I). Copies of the ENF may be obtained from: Douglas DeNatale, AECOM, 250 Apollo Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824, 978- 905-2180
     Copies of the ENF are also being sent to the Conservation Commission and Planning Board of Townsend, MA where they may be inspected.
     The Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs will publish notice of the ENF in the Environmental Monitor, will receive public comments on the project for 20 days, and will then decide, within ten days, if an environmental Impact Report is needed. A site visit and consultation session on the project may also be scheduled. All persons wishing to comment on the project, or to be notified of a site visit or con- sultation session, should write to the Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs, 100 Cambridge St., Suite 900, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, Attention: MEPA Office, referencing the above project.
By Townsend Water Department
7/23/2021 F
Public Notice of Request For
Determination of Applicability 
to the MA Wetlands Protection Act
and Townsend Wetland Bylaw
In accordance with 310 CMR 10.05 (3)(b)(1) of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) regulations. public notice is hereby given of a Request For Determination of Applicability (RDA) for Julie Ward at 26 Proctor Road, map 42, block 6, lot 3. The proposed work is for the removal of a tree within the 200-foot riverfront. A public hearing on the RDA will be conducted by the Townsend Conservation Commission on July 28. 2021 at 7:05 PM. The hearing will be held in Meeting Room 2,
     Townsend Memorial Hall, 272 Main St., Townsend, MA. A copy of the RDA may be obtained by contacting the Conservation de- partment at conservation-
The public is welcome to attend.
Karen Hill, Chairperson
July 23, 2021 E
In accordance with MGL Chapter 40A and the Townsend Zoning Bylaw, the Townsend Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 6:45pm at Memorial Hall, 272 Main St., on the application of Kevin Smith and Kenneth Tully under Zoning Bylaw §§145-24, 145- 64 and 145-66. The applicant is requesting a Variance from the Driveways and entrances Bylaw to construct a common driveway entrance serving three residential dwellings within 500 feet of an existing common driveway entrance serving 101, 103, and 105 Warren Road. The property is located on Warren Road (Assessor’s Map 32, Block 2, Lot 0) in the Residential A District.
     Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so in writing prior to the hearing, or at the hearing in person or represented by an agent or attorney. Copies of this application are available for review in the offices of the Town Clerk and Zoning Board during business hours.
William Cadogan
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 11 and June 18, 2021 I
Public Notice of Request
For Determination of Applicability
to the MA Wetlands Protection Act
In accordance with 310 CMR 10.05 (3)(b)(1) of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) regulations, public notice is hereby given of a Request For Determination of Applicability (RDA), 104 Lunenburg Road, map 9, parcel 45, lot 0, for a proposed project to install an inground pool within the buffer zone of an intermittent stream. A public hearing on the RDA will be conducted by the Townsend Conservation Commission on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 7 p.m. The hearing will be held virtually. A copy of the RDA may be obtained by contacting the Conservation department at The public is welcome to attend.
Karen Hill, Chairperson Townsend Conservation Commission
5/21/2021 A


Groton Herald

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