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Pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Townsend Wetlands Bylaw, the Townsend Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at approximately 7:55 pm. The hearing will be held virtually via Zoom meeting and in person at Town Hall, on a Notice of Intent (NOI) filed with the Conservation Commission by Rob Becker. The property is located at 50 Sauna Row Road (Assessor’s Map 24, Parcel 25, Lot 3). 

The proposed project is for the installation of a seasonal dock in Vinton Pond. Resources areas impacted by the seasonal dock are Bank and Land Under Water.

Parties wishing to speak in support of, or in opposition to, this application may do so at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. Copies of this application are available for review at Town Hall during business hours. 

Jessica Consolvo

Land Use Coordinator

8/23/2024 L


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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