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Benefit Road Race for Nashoba Tech Athletics

The second annual Friends of Nashoba Valley Technical High School Road Race is Saturday, Oct. 19, starting at the school, 100 Littleton Rd. (Rte. 110), Westford.


Registration begins at 9:30 a.m., a fun run starts at 11, and the 5K race starts at 11:30. First 100 entrants get a free T-shirt.


Fees before Oct. 12  $25 adults, $15 students under 19, and $10 over 65. After Oct. 12, fees are $35 adults, $20 students under 19, and $15 over 65. To register before race day, go to, or mail a check, payable to NVTHS, to Friends of Nashoba 5K, NVTHS, 100 Littleton Rd., Westford, MA 01886. (Note your age, gender and T-shirt size.)


It is an official timed race, with awards presented in several categories. Proceeds go to Nashoba Tech sports, clubs, extracurricular activities and scholarships.

Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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