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Thursday, Jan. 9, 9 a.m. - Applewild School (coeducational independent K-8 day school serving families in central MA and southern NH) is hosting an Open House. Parents are invited to tour the school and see teachers and students in action. The morning program also includes parents who are...
Applications are available at Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School for students entering grade seven next fall. Parker School is an innovative secondary school serving 394 students grades seven -12. Located on Devens, former military base, Parker is a regional public school that draws from 20...
Country Day School Chess Club hosted its first annual Chess Tournament, Nov. 26. In this dual meet CDS Chess Club faced off against students from Sacred Heart School of Gardner. Students from grades two-eight were paired in a four round, 15-minute time control, SWSS style tournament format. A...
Recent press coverage of financial concerns within the Groton Dunstable Regional School District has highlighted the need for additional information. The Groton Dunstable School Committee has been working with the district administration for several weeks on this matter. The information below...
An unexpected 'glitch' in a control panel set off fire alarms at Florence Roche Elementary School Monday, Dec. 16 sending students streaming out into frigid winter weather. Due to the severity of the weather, elementary school students were taken to the Performing Arts Center [P.A.C.] to stay...
The Groton Dunstable Chamber Chorus will host two fundraising events to help defer costs of their upcoming trip to Europe. The first musical event is with a local band called AERO and will be at 7 p.m. on Jan. 3, 2014 in the Black Box Theatre at the High School. The second event will be with...
Thursday, Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. GDRSD's EdTech team will host a community tech night for all members of the Groton-Dunstable community. This is an opportunity for all residents to come to the high school and learn how our school community is integrating and innovating technology in the classroom....
The original NCLB [No Child Left Behind] legislation stipulated that all students score 'Proficient' or 'Advanced' on the MCAS test by the year 2014. But, educators soon realized that this goal was unattainable and needed to be revised. So, Massachusetts along with many other states, applied for a...
Groton Dunstable Education Foundation recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary of raising funds for enrichment grants to all district schools, and just kicked off this year's Annual Giving Campaign (AGC) with a mailing to past donors, school families and area businesses. Thanks to the generous...
What if I were to tell you that because of new technology you can enroll in a course at Harvard or MIT, attend in the comfort of your home and pay a tuition of zero dollars? It's true and its happening now at your nearest internet connection. An Introduction to MOOCs You may have read of the term...


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