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Historic Tarbell School Building Reincarnated As Home For Pre-School Formerly Known as 'Country Kids'

Tarbell Learning Center will be relocating from their place at Rivercourt to the building that housed Tarbell School for many years, after receiving unanimous approval for their Site Plan Review from Planning Board. At the public hearing, Ross Engineering representative Dan Wolfe laid out plans for the historic structure.

The education center, formerly known as Country Kids Pre-School, is owned by Groton resident Robin Kane and will feature 13 fulltime and two part-time staff members. There will be two playing fields, one closer to the school and the second in a shady area at the rear of the property. Wolfe said that there will be several access doors; one that has a step up, and one located near to the driveway. The plan for that area calls for installation of a speed bump to slow vehicles. Parking areas will be clearly identified with curb bumpers, and exit and entrance signs will be located at appropriate places.

"Lighting in the back of the building will be removed and three small wall mounted lights will be installed to illuminate the parking lot, but will not spread light beyond the parking area, "Wolfe said, adding that the dumpster would be located where it is easiest to access for the trash collecting company.

Planner George Barringer suggested that there might not be a need for a speed bump, but that he would like to see more appropriate lighting in front of the building.

Neighbors and abutters had several questions including the type of fencing around the property and the resolution of old playground items. Wolfe responded that the plan is for green or possibly black vinyl clad chain link fence as opposed to a solid wall. The existing playground equipment would be removed as it has reached its end of life. Wolfe said they would look at a limit on hours the lights would be on, although there did need to be some light on the dark rear of the building.

Land Use Director Michelle Collette added that the 8300 sq. ft. building would be equipped with sprinklers. The Police Department will also monitor the area to determine whether or not reduce speed signs are warranted.

Groton Herald

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