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Groton Electric Light Department Attorney Robert Collins presented the Planning Board with two ANR (Approval Not Required) lots; one for a consolidation of parcels on Station Ave., and the second to donate some GELD-owned land on Rte.40 to the Conservation Commission. Collins said that the land on...
Selectmen Jack Petropoulos met strong resistance Monday night from his colleagues when he presented a written proposal for a vote that would allow an individual selectman to request a "One Session Delay" on an agenda item if that selectman felt that he was not sufficiently prepared to make a...
Selectman Jack Petropoulos told his colleagues Monday night that he was opposed to the Lost Lake Sewer project based on his concern for the "cost levied on people that are not contributing to the problem at the lake. I'm not sure about the leaching in Martins Pond Brook. The Lost Lake tests were...
Last Sunday the Grand Opening of the Massachusetts Audubon Rocky Hill Wildlife Sanctuary was celebrated. As we explained on our Editorial page last week, this wildlife sanctuary is the culmination of years of effort to develop this section of Groton (the Four Corners area), including commercial...
Selectmen Josh Degen and Jack Petropoulos will not support the Conservation Commission's proposal to acquire two large contiguous parcels of land on Chicopee Row that were once investigated for location of the new high school. The land was rejected because the endangered blue spotted salamander was...
Leadership Profile: Arthur Blackman As a young boy growing up in Cambridge, President's Circle member Arthur Blackman spent summers in his family's summer home, high in a mix of upper fields and woods in New Hampshire. At night he fell asleep on a porch to the sounds of insects buzzing against the...
School Committee voted unanimously to transfer $144,000 from their Excess and Deficiency Fund (E & D) to cover a deficit in the athletic budget. There have been ongoing deficit problems in the athletic budget that some members say go back four years. School Committee member John Giger noted...
The School Committee voted unanimously at its Sep. 12 meeting to adopt District Goals for the 2012-13 school year which will focus efforts of central office administrators in the coming year. Top priority for central administrative staff is implementation of a new educator evaluation system as...
Sunday, Sept. 23, from 3-5 p.m., Mass Audubon will celebrate the grand opening of Rocky Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, the permanent protection of nearly 400 hundred acres in Groton. The event will include family friendly activities; a live animal demonstration from Drumlin Farm's Audubon Ark; a short...
Groton Conservation Commission has their eyes on some land on Chicopee Row that was once the proposed site for the new Groton-Dunstable Regional High School, but was eliminated when the finding of the endangered blue spotted salamander along with multiple vernal pools on the parcel scrapped the...


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