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Groton seniors who participate in the Senior Work Program will soon receive a letter from the town informing them that they and the town are subject to the Federal Tax Code that considers those in the program as 'employees' and thus are subject to withholding of FICA and taxes. Also as employees...
Town Manager Mark Haddad advised Selectmen that after reviewing the three lowest bidders for construction of the new Center Fire Station, the recommendation from the Building Committee, Building Inspector and Owner's Project Manager (OPM) is to award the project to TLT Corporation, the lowest...
Groton Dunstable Regional School Committee held a public hearing Feb. 13 on its proposed budget for fiscal 2014 which runs from July 2013 to June 2014. The proposed budget includes a modest increase in the operating budget and reverses a four-year trend of level-funded or declining budgets. Total...
Town Clerk Michael Bouchard updated Selectmen about two ballot elections that will come before the town due to resignation of the Massachusetts US senator, a primary and an actual election for the replacement. He is expecting a special primary election to be held April 30, with the state election...
Recently retired Town Accountant Valerie Jenkins has returned to Town Hall, this time serving as interim Finance Director, while Joan Tallent will serve as interim Tax Collector/Treasurer due to the unexpected resignation of Victoria Smith, who held that position for close to two years. Town...
With discussions continuing on Town Center District Design Guidelines, Planning Board Chairman John Giger distributed a map of Groton center to his colleagues "so that we can all agree on the locus for the design guidelines." He said that the "area under discussion starts at 134 Main St. to Rte. 40...
Equestrians, bicyclists and pedestrians can look forward to crossing Nashua River from Fitch's Bridge Road to West Groton shore near Wallace Road following approval at Saturday's Special Town Meeting to demolish the existing 1898 steel bridge and replace it with a new truss bridge. The old bridge...
Planning Board Chairman John Giger told the Board that after their meeting the previous week with consultant Peter Flinker of Dodson Associates, that he (Giger) is "certainly interested in working in collaboration with the Historic Districts Commission." Flinker is in the process of preparing a...
Shortly after 9:10 a.m. Saturday, Jan 26, with 277 voters present, Moderator Jason Kauppi called Special Town Meeting to order and with only four warrant articles for voter consideration, it took close to four hours to conclude the meeting. The biggest expenditure voters faced was to approve...


Groton Herald

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