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It was an exercise for the sake of exercise but Candidates' Night 2013 fulfilled its role of introducing candidates running for elective office in town. The evening was diminished somewhat after a third candidate seeking a position on the Board of Selectmen announced he was dropping out of the race...
GrotonDunstable Recreation Association, a group of citizens representing a number of youth sports groups strongly supports the Groton Parks Commissioners in applying for Community Preservation Committee grant for $309K that along with a state PARC grant ($400K) and major fundraising by the...
Selectmen ratified appointment of Edward Cataldo of Leominster as Groton's new full-time Building Commissioner. Cataldo was the top choice of every member of the Search Committee, following a review of 15 applications that were received for the position, and the interviews of four finalists....
Town Manager Mark Haddad announced that the bond rating for Groton has been upgraded by Standards and Poor to AA+. The town's finance team, Haddad, along with Finance Director Valerie Jenkins, Assessor Rena Swezey, Temporary Treasurer/Tax Collector Joan Tallent and Town Accountant Patricia Dufresne...
Groton Water Dept. will begin its annual flushing of the water distribution system on Wednesday, April 10 thru Tuesday, April 23. All water main flushing occurs during daytime only. We anticipate the flushing program will take approximately two weeks to complete. You will experience discolored...
Groton Planning Board is presenting three zoning amendment articles to April 22 Annual Spring Town Meeting, including some major changes to the schedule of regulations of the farming bylaw in order to bring Groton regulations into compliance with the state agriculture regulations. Many state...
Town Manager Mark Haddad outlined various options that could be implemented in order to fund Groton Dunstable Regional School District's request for an additional $525K to fund critical technology needs for schools. Of this amount, Groton would contribute $425K or 76 percent while Dunstable would...
There was a buzz of excitement and anticipation in the standing-room only High School theater waiting for the appearance of Steve Kornacki, a graduate of Groton-Dunstable; a man, who 16 years ago must have felt like many of the young people in the audience Wednesday; a man who has achieved...
Selectmen voted to postpone an article slated for Spring Town Meeting warrant regarding acceptance of Off Prescott Street as a public roadway following their public hearing. The decision to remove the article was based, in part, on division among residents of the street and the need for more...
Committed to staying informed about changes to laws and updates in current criminal procedures, Dunstable police completed a Law Enforcement Liability In-service Training, March 5 at the police station in Leicester. The Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA), property and casualty...


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