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Lost Lake has been taken over and is clogged with invasive aquatic plants like mille fore and kabamba. This is a threat to the lake and to life - children have been caught in these weeds and could easily become entangled and drown," Art Prest, Chairman of the Groton Lakes Association told the...
Celebration of Owen Shuman's contribution to Groton Public Library, Dec. 12, 5 to 8 pm, third foor of the Library. Staff and Trustees of the library invite you to join us for an evening of appreciation for Owen's service to the town over the last 25 years. Light refreshments will be served and the...
Loaves & Fishes' annual "Shop for Your Kids Day" will be held Dec. 20 at Devens Community Center, 100 Sherman Ave., Devens. We are looking for donations of new, unwrapped gifts valued up to $25, or gift cards in denominations of $10, $15 or $25. Visit for a list of...
A fire in a house on Lost Lake drive yesterday afternoon was brought under control by Groton Fire Department. Several vehicles were sent to the scene. An engine from Pepperell was dispatched to help cover town center. The fire was apparently at a home at 206 Lost Lake Drive, which was closed to...
Planning Board members want more detail from Groton Inn property owner George Pergantis and his engineer Jeff Brem before they make any decision on the Special Permit/Site Plan Review applications before them. Pergantis is proposing to open a seafood restaurant in an existing building at the rear...
Chairman of the Board of Assessors Garrett Boles advised Selectmen Monday night that the town has $283K in new growth, and based on that, levy limit next year would be $25,440,159 leading to an estimated tax rate of $16.85 per thousand dollars of valuation. Bowles also reported that his board is...
Groton's top administrator, Town Manager Mark Haddad, will continue to serve in his leadership capacity for the next three years following a vote by the majority of Selectmen to renew his contract through July 2016. The Board's meeting on Nov. 13 was called specifically to act on renewal of the...
This small-town newspaper - the Groton Herald - symbolically entered the 21st Century this week by publishing an on-line edition of the paper. Asked what took so long, Editor Russ Harris said, "Rip Van Winkle woke up, and so did we." Publisher Deborah Johnson said the Herald is committed to...
Bertozzi Farms subdivision is looking at its fourth potential buyer in just the last two years according to Quintin Tigs, the trustee for the property owner Jim Xarras. Tigs told Planning Board, "We want to sell the property. We believe that we have done everything required and the owner has no...
Attorney Bob Collins, representing Groton Electric Light Department, presented Town Center Overlay District Committee (TCODC) with four different versions of drawings for their new facility on Station Ave. GELD wanted to keep the feeling of the old train station that was once located at the very...


Groton Herald

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P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

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[Prescott Community Center]

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