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Beacon Hill Roll Call Volume 38 -Report No. 29 July 15-19, 2013 Copyright © 2013 Beacon Hill Roll Call. All Rights Reserved. THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records votes of local representatives on two roll calls and local senators on four from the week of July 15-19. Last week's...
THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records votes of local representatives on two roll calls and local senators on four from the week of July 15-19. Last week's action in the Legislature again centered around a Democratic leadership-sponsored transportation package that includes $500...
Groton Electric Light Department [GELD] recently voted to reduce its Payment In-lieu of Taxes [PILOT] to the town by $15,000 for fiscal year 2013 as both a form of protest for the cost, complexity, and arbitrary nature of the permitting process for its new proposed building on Station Avenue, and...
Cynthia Tuttle, 53 of Ayer has pled guilty to charges of embezzlement from North Middlesex Savings Bank in Groton and received 3 years' probation, 90 days in the House of Correction, restitution of $94,270 to the bank, must obtain and maintain employment, and must attend Gambler's Anonymous...
After receiving a letter from all union employees in town expressing concern about the handling of Executive Session minutes, Selectmen agreed to draft a policy that would guide the Board in making decisions about releasing Executive Session minutes to the public. The Board took the action at their...
The Prescott Reuse Committee reported to Selectmen at their July 1 meeting they would like to prepare a new RFP (Request for Proposals) to consider different options for use of the Prescott School on Main St. Chair of the Reuse Committee Halsey Platt told Selectmen there are a whole range of...
While Fall Town Meeting is three months away, the preparation process is already underway as Selectmen voted at their July 1 meeting to open the warrant for this annual meeting. The warrant for Fall Town Meeting will remain open for two months - from July 1 to August 29 when the Board will close...
Statehouse, Boston, June 26, 2013 - The Massachusetts House 105-47, Senate 34-6, approved a conference committee version of a transportation package that proponents say will raise $500 million through tax hikes. Some opponents of the measure dispute the proponents' projections, and argue that the...
By tradition and policy, the Groton Herald publishes 50 weeks a year, leaving week of July 4 and the week after Christmas for a well-deserved rest for the staff. Next print edition of the newspaper is July 12. Many thanks to all our loyal subscribers.
Groton Fire Department has issued its report on the investigation of the May 10, 2013 Boat House Road fire in which it took some 23 minutes to establish the initial water supply to attack the fire in the single family residence. Fire Chief Joe Bosselait estimated that the fire in the home had been...


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