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Special Permit/Site Plan Review public hearing for Carriage House Seafood Grill and Function Hall was closed by Planning Board at their Dec. 13 meeting. The Board will now move to deliberate the proposal and expect to take their vote on whether or not to grant two requests at their Jan. 3 meeting,...
Voters will have three choices to make on the Fitch's Bridge article at the Jan. 26 Special Town Meeting: to vote only for demolition of the aged structure; to vote for both demolition and replacement, or to defeat the article entirely. The bridge, if replaced, would be used only by pedestrians,...
Based on a determination by Building inspector Milton Kinney, the structure that would house Carriage House Seafood Grill can hold 271 people, and based on this number, applicant George Pergantis would be required to install automatic sprinklers in the building before a Use and Occupancy Permit...
The majority Selectmen declined to return to the Jan. 26 Town Meeting to again ask to form a Lost Lake Sewer District, following overwhelming defeat at fall Town Meeting for installation of a sewer system in the defined district. Town Manager Mark Haddad told the Board that the proposal presented...
The Design Review Committee (DRC) presented its recommendation and findings on the new Groton Electric Light Department building to the Planning Board. DRC serves as advisors to the Planning Board, and has no permit granting authority. Their charge is to look at all aspects of the project through...
With close of the warrant for Special Town Meeting, Saturday - Jan. 26, there will be only three articles and all are money articles totaling more than $8M. Largest will be a request for construction of new Center Fire Station on Farmers Row. Town Manager Mark Haddad said some 18 companies have...
Town Manager Mark Haddad advised Selectmen that he wanted to look for new members for Lost Lake Sewer Committee and provide a new charge to the group, stressing that it was important to do this to keep connected with state funding lists. They discussed the possibility of forming the sewer district...
Groton School's Board of Trustees unanimously approved the appointment of Temba Maqubela as Headmaster, the eighth since the School's founding in 1884. The appointment culminates an intensive search process that attracted candidates from around the country and the world. "Groton's enduring mission...
Historic District Commission closed its public hearing on the proposed new Center Fire Station that is slated to be located within the district on Farmers Row, but they are still awaiting some updated documents from applicants including current building renderings and final Site Plan. The Site...
Town Manager Mark Haddad, members of the Center Fire Station Building Committee and architects from Dore & Whittier met with the Finance Committee to advise them of the status of the construction project as it gets closer to final bids in preparation for the January Special Town Meeting and an...


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