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The town of Groton has steadily been improving its bond rating and has now reached the top S&P rating - AAA. Each year, Town Manager Mark Haddad told Selectmen he and his finance team ask Standard & Poors' to evaluate the town's rating, and this year it reached the highest rating, even with...
Art Campbell, owner and operator of the Groton Line news website, and administrator of the popular talkaboutgroton list serve, appeared before Selectmen to register an official complaint about his difficulty obtaining official information from Town Manager Mark Haddad. Mr. Campbell began his...
In a decision dated July 7, the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ruled the Groton Board of Selectmen's private, serial discussions of a proposal to waive construction fees of about $4,500 for reconstruction of Blood Farms, were illegal. The Attorney General wrote clearly and...
Groton Electric Light Department Manager Kevin Kelly is preparing an RFP for construction of a multi-acre solar array covering about 12 acres of town-owned land at Cow Pond Brook. Projections are that the array ultimately will generate approximately three megawatts at peak capacity. The proposed...
Members of Groton Fire Department appeared before Selectmen, objecting to a decision by Town Manager Mark Haddad allowing town employees to use exercise equipment in the new Fire Station from noon to 2 p.m. weekdays. When questioned, Haddad argued that it 'made sense' for town employees to have '...
Kinder Morgan officials faced tough questions from the public this past Monday evening and were unable to satisfy the dozens who asked questions about a proposed pipeline which will traverse the northern sections of Massachusetts including Groton and surrounding towns includimg Pepperell, Townsend...
After Robert Hart turned down Selectmen's offer to become Fire chief late Thursday afternoon [see story opposite column], Selectmen convened an emergency meeting Friday morning 9:00 AM at Town Hall to discuss how to respond to the surprising turn of events. But, it turned out to be an easy,...
Robert A. Hart, after prevailing in an arduous selection process to become Groton's next Fire chief, in a surprising and shocking move, turned down the offer to become Groton's next chief, citing 'personal and family reasons' according to Selectman Chairman Josh Degen at an emergency Selectmen's...
Some former members of the Groton Fire Department are questioning whether three members of the Call Fire Department were denied their due process rights as outlined in the Groton Charter and specified in Massachusetts General laws when they were not re-appointed to fire fighting positions held for...
As Selectmen worked their way through the lengthy list of annual appointments to the town's boards and committees, Selectman Chairman Josh Degen stopped at the appointments for the Conservation Commission dead in its tracks. Almost all appointments of volunteers by the Board tend to be perfunctory...


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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