by Joshua Vollmar
What do manila paper and window screens have in common? They were both first manufactured by Grotonians. The former was an invention and product of the Hollingsworth brothers, and the latter of Charles H. Waters. This article will share the story of the Hollingsworths, and the...
by Connie Sartini
Groton Select Board, Dunstable Selectmen, Groton Finance Committee, Dunstable Advisory Board, and Groton-Dunstable Regional School Committee met with State Senator John Cronin. Senator Edward Kennedy, State Representative Margaret Scarsdale and Representative Danillo Sena for...
State Senator John Cronin and State Representative Margaret Scarsdale Announce 59 Percent Increase in State Funds for Road Work in Groton
by Robert Stewart
Groton’s State Senator John Cronin and State Representative Margaret Scarsdale jointly announced last week that Groton received a...
“Bridge Financing” Will Give Steward Time to Transfer One or More of Its Massachusetts Hospitals to Other Providers; Future of Nashoba Valley Medical Center Still Unknown
by Robert Stewart
In a continually evolving state of affairs, Steward Healthcare Systems announced to Boston’s TV stations...
The NRWA is seeking citizen input in the communities of Ashburnham, Fitchburg, Groton, Leominster, and Pepperell as part of our Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Project in these five towns/cities. If you are a resident of one of these communities, are you concerned about, or would like...
For Fiscal Year 2025, the Community Preservation Committee has received 12 submissions for funding that will be presented to Spring Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.
The seven-member Community Preservation Committee will prepare written feedback to be provided to Applicants: on Monday...
by Connie Sartini
Town Manager Mark Haddad has taken the lead in addressing the concerns expressed by the non-profit groups that use The Center during evening hours, regarding the charging of fees to be used for a building monitor to ensure proper closure of the building after nighttime use...
Significant Fee Increase for After-Hour Use May Discourage Utilization of the Building from Groups That Supported a Broader Mission for the Building
by Robert Stewart
When an updated building use policy went into effect last November fir the Groton Senior Center, it immediately set off a torrent...
by Connie Sartini
The Groton Finance Committee met with the Select Board on Saturday, January 27 to discuss the 2025 Budget proposal from Town Manager Mark Haddad and addressed several specific departments where significant reductions in their budgets are being considered as part of the $5.5 M...
Privacy of College Students
The House gave initial approval to a bill that would prohibit colleges from being required to release certain student education records to third parties that request the records. The prohibition would not apply to federal, state or municipal agency requests.