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Three Take Nomination Papers for Selectmen Position

Three candidates have taken nomination papers for a three-year position open for election to Board of Selectmen. Erich Garger, Bob Hargraves and Patrick Petropolous have taken nomination papers in the first few weeks of the town nomination process. Garger lives in the Lost Lake area, Hargraves in the town center area and Petropolous in the West Groton area. The three have taken papers for the seat now held by Fran Dillon. Dillon announced a couple weeks ago that he would not seek reelection to his seat. If all three return their papers and appear on the ballot, the candidate receiving the highest vote total would win election.

Another potentially contested office is the three-year seat open for election on the Water Commission. Three candidates have taken nomination papers for that seat: Arthur Prest, Gary Hoglund and Jessica Cajigas. Incumbents who have taken nomination papers to seek reelection to their respective seats arte Russ Burke and Carolyn Perkins on the Planning Board, Jenifer Evans on Board of Assessors and Berta Erickson on the Groton-Dunstable School Committee.

Residents interested in taking nomination papers for elective office have until April 3 to return them to the Town Clerk's Office to appear on the ballot for Town Elections May 22.

Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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