Myette Development Needs Town Meeting Approval • Plan Calls For Two Buildings • Abutting Property Owners Need To Work Out Issues
Voters at Annual Town Meeting will be asked to approve a Concept Plan for construction of two, two-story buildings on Peter Myette's property at 120 Boston Road. The two existing buildings at the site will be demolished and the new buildings will contain a foot print of 8,305 and 2400 sq. ft. respectively. The total will be 21,410 gross sq. ft. for both buildingsAlthough both portions of the property are zoned Business (B-1), one portion was so designated in 1963 when zoning was adopted and the rear portion of the 2.98 acre site was re-zoned in 1996. At issue is the portion of the site that was rezoned in 1996.
According to Groton Zoning Bylaws, this section has to come before town meeting for Concept Plan approval. The Concept Plan proposal submitted to the Planning Board by Myette's Attorney Robert Anctil, calls for a use of the property that will be compliant with all uses approved in a B1 zoned district.
The applicant intends to use the building for professional, medical uses. Anctil told the Board that there is already an interested tenant, Pediatrics West, but only if the new space can be ready for occupancy by a specific date. Because of this Myette is bringing the Concept Plan forward at the April 22 Annual Town Meeting in order to secure voter approval so that he can then move through the permitting processes fairly quickly.
Myette's property abuts properties owned by the Janes Properties Limited Partnership and the town. Janes' property and Myette's property also share a septic system. Myette plans to connect to the municipal sewer system that runs in front of his property. The site currently has town water. Based on an engineered plan, prepared by Ducharme & Dillis, there are parking spaces for 105 vehicles. There is also space to construct all necessary drainage and infrastructure facilities.
Apparently, there is some disagreement between the two abutting property owners regarding the proposed project, and according to Land Use Director Michelle Collette this prompted the Planning Board to suggest that the two parties work out the issues and return to the Board on April 18.