Bales of Weed, Bongs, Cash & Other Drug Paraphernalia:
On May 9, 2012 at 4:10 a.m., Groton Police Officers Kevin Henehan and Nicholas Beltz responded to a report of a fight in progress at a residence at 1 Old Lantern Lane. When they arrived, it was quiet, but when they went to check on the well-being of the residents they discovered a bloody scene as a result of a fight inside the residence.
During the initial inquiry, the officers discovered what appeared to be a large quantity of Marijuana, made an arrest and secured the scene. A tenant at the residence, Joseph Medeiros, was taken into custody and charged with disturbing the peace, possession of a Class D drug with intent to distribute and possession of Marijuana.
Detective Cory Waite responded to assist the Groton officers and obtained a search warrant for the residence. The combined efforts of Detective Waite, Sgt. Ed Sheridan, Officer Dale Rose, Detective Robert Breault, Officer Henehan, Officer Beltz, Trooper Mike Noble and K9 Banjo from the Massachusetts State Police, Detective Andrew Kularski of the Ayer PD, Officer Joe Papsedero and K9 Havoc of the Burlington PF and Lt James Cullen, resulted in the location of 104 pieces of evidence recovered at the scene.
According to Chief Donald Palma, this included approximately 23 pounds of Marijuana, 16 glass pipes, 96 Oxycontin pills, about 307 steroid pills, 50 bottles of liquid steroids, more than $13K in currency and 9mm ammunition. The Chief said that although ammunition was found, no gun was located at the site.
He praised his officers for working for 15 hours above their regular shift and for the 4 days to process the cache. "It was a week-long process from the search warrant to the completion of the assessment evidence found at the home and the subsequent investigation," he said. Following the results of the search of the home, the charges were upgraded to reflect the amount of evidence collected by the officers.
On Tuesday, January 15, the case was processed through the legal system and Joseph Medeiros was found guilty and sentenced to the Middlesex House of Correction.