Bookmakers & Dreamers Club Founder, Betsy Sawyer, and Past and Present Members Unveil Big Book Pages of Peace at the UN
The group of 87 people consisting of 40 students from the Middle and High School, former students, parents, teachers and community members left on Saturday morning, March 19, for a trip of a lifetime
Sunday they arrived at the UN conference for the International Day of Happiness. Many dignitaries and ambassadors spoke on the topic of happiness. There were musical performances and interactive presentations that students were involved in. The Big Book of Peace requires two students to turn each page. The students interacted with UN visitors and conferences attendees and explained the books purpose. There are kiosks available to give an introduction of the book and to assist visitors looking for a specific page or topic.
The morning concluded with the presentation of the Big Book to the UN. Betsy Sawyer was able to be there to present the Big Book of Peace and to introduce some of the original group of students that were part of the first Bookmakers and Dreamers Club. The original members spoke about the history of the Big Book, what it means know to have the book done and for people to be able to see it, and the future hopes for what this book can do and where it will go. It was an incredible celebration of accomplishment and all participants that were in attendance new it was something that would become an enduring memory.