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Our big, furry, white, Husky-Lab Deva asked us to thank Rick Muehlke for caring so lovingly for the Groton Hunt ‘Dog Park,’ which Deva sniffled daily for a decade.  ‘Please, also, thank Marion Stoddart for cleaning the Nashua River for my delicious slish-splashs,’ Deva reminds me.  Deva sends a...
On Wednesday, March 13, at 7 p.m. at the Groton Center, the Sustainability Commission will host the tenth seminar in their series, “Sustainable Groton: What You Can Do.” The subject of this seminar will be Managing Stormwater and Snow Removal.     Stormwater runoff is a significant vector for...
So many town officials and letter writers here decry the certain demise of fire, police and school systems if the tax override doesn’t happen. One phrase is that particularly bothers me about the higher taxes: “a necessary sacrifice.”   Let’s do some math. The average household income in Groton is...
An updated Town Manager’s budget is still using a $5.5M override phased-in over three years. There are slightly different annual override spending steps to get to the $5.5M because of some changed state and school factors since the original budget was published.     How the numbers are presented...
At the school committee meeting on February 28, Groton Dunstable Educators Association (GDEA) was given time to speak about our support for the override.  We understand that voting for an override means that you are voting for an increase in your tax bill as 30% of our membership are residents of...
This spring is busier than usual for Groton voters. Following the March 5 presidential primary election, voters have two more elections and the Spring Town Meeting scheduled.    Please mark your calendars and take some time to review the issues before Town Meeting, Tuesday, March 26, at 7 p.m., at...
Following my previous letter titled “Let Us Uphold The Values Of Education, Safety & Quality Living,” it has come to my attention that a significant correction is needed regarding the proposed budget override in Groton.    First and foremost, I must correct an error in my earlier communication...
One of the most important races on the ballot this upcoming March 5 is the race for Republican State Committee Man and Woman. This is a race about who helps control the Republican Party in Massachusetts. I’ll tell you why that is important, because the two incumbents would rather support an inept...
As a parent, homeowner, and member of this community, I will vote for the override.  Quite simply - our students cannot afford any more educational losses.    I understand the sacrifice being asked of taxpayers, and some will feel this sacrifice more than others.  But the sacrifice would be an...
The $5,500,000 proposed override will increase the annual amount of property taxes you have to pay. This override is to be phased-in over three years. Your taxes will step up the first year (compared to 2024). Will step up again the next year. Then a final step up in year three. From that point on...


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