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Thank you to the 2,327 voters who voted ‘No’ on the override question at the ballot box. 26% of the town’s eligible voters came to the polls and voted ‘No’. We saved the townspeople $5.5 million in higher property taxes over the next three years and millions more over time because this override was...
Groton Community School is proud to sponsor two annual scholarships this year, which are awarded to graduating high school seniors who attended our school as young children. We are very happy to honor our school alumni, and to acknowledge two special young men who are near and dear to us. Each had...
Having served on the School Committee and the Select Board I have seen the importance of each role and the need for strong communication and collaboration.  I have worked with Fay Raynor for the past several years in her role as Chair of the Florence Roche School Building Committee and during our...
With the recent rejection of the town override, it's imperative for taxpayers to redirect their focus toward the two prominent landowners in our community who have remained conspicuously silent. And why wouldn’t they? Their minimal contributions to the community stand in stark contrast to the...
With the override vote over, it’s time for some reflection. The issue was one of the most contentious in Groton within living memory, and for good reason. One message that the outcome should convey to town leaders: it is time to look elsewhere than real estate taxes for funds.    Let’s start the...
Save Nashoba Valley Wildlife is presenting a free event on Tuesday, April 30th 7-8:30 pm at the Groton (Senior) Center.     Come join us to see a short, original documentary film on the natural beauty of our region and to hear Gary Menin, Talkin’ Birds Ambassador, speak on “The Good, the Bad and...
The historic turnout at the Town Meeting on March 26 exceeded 1,100 people as of the last estimated count by public officials. Under the state law governing Town Meetings, as well as the fire and building code, there was no choice but to end the meeting. Please look for the Select Board to post a...
 Thanks For a Fantastic Groton Community Dinner on Friday March 15!  A Big Shout-Out with Sincere Appreciation to: - Groton Publick House for providing a whole Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner, - Salt & Light Cafe Boutique for their Vegetarian Bean Casserole, - Baileys Bar & Grille (Mariano...
The Sustainability Commission invites the folks of Groton to a seminar on ‘Sustainable Food Choices.’ What is a sustainable food choice?  It is one where shopping is local.  The impact on the environment is lower than buying food that has been shipped hundreds or thousands of miles or that has been...
Last year, Pro Publica reported the figures regarding the compensation of school leaders of two of Groton’s private institutions. The Headmaster of Lawrence Academy reportedly earned a salary of $448,393, accompanied by additional compensation totaling $211,025, resulting in a combined income of $...


Groton Herald

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P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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