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On Thursday, March 22, 2012, thousands of Hadassah Members and Associates came together across the country to toast Hadassah's Centennial. Locally, the Nashoba Valley chapter of Hadassah celebrated at Groton's own Main Street Café. Over fifty women, men and children celebrated 100 years of Hadassah...
Dear Editor: The current news item caught my attention: "Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Starts 14-Year Prison Sentence." I know that this former governor was found guilty on 18 counts related to his attempts to "sell" the US Senate seat vacated when Barack Obama was elected president....
Dear Editor, Groton Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF) wishes to thank everyone who helped make its winter Trivia events such a tremendous success. The three Trivia Nights (Jan. 7, Feb. 4, and March 3) and our new Kids' Trivia for Middle School students (March 15) raised $2375 for GDEF's spring...
To The People of Groton: I came to Groton 53 years ago, purchased a home, started a business and raised four wonderful children, all of whom are graduates of the Groton Dunstable Regional School system. Today they are good citizens in an ever-changing world In the spring of 1973, having...
Dear Editor: Groton Grange No. 7 will celebrate completion of renovations to its historic hall with an afternoon open house Saturday, May 12. Groton citizens will be invited in appreciation for approving, in 2009, Community Preservation Act funds to stabilize and preserve this quaint structure...
On Friday, March 2, a wonderful group of people from our community assembled at Lawrence Academy for our fourth annual FOODraiser --a family magic show with Lucky Bob - and through their generosity, worked some magic themselves, raising $1100 worth of food for Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry! We want...
Recent newspaper articles describing the Groton Planning Board's Public Hearing to ratify the new Master Plan make it clear that there is a considerable amount of misinformation regarding sustainability, the Sustainability Commission and the role of sustainability in the Master Planning process....
Dear Editor, Groton Community TRIAD is a cooperative effort of Groton Police Dept., Groton Fire Dept., Groton Emergency Medical Services, Groton Council on Aging, Nashoba Nursing Services, and Montachusett Health Care Corporation. TRIAD is a community policing initiative between seniors, law...
To the Editor: Nashoba Nursing Service & Hospice, under the auspices of Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, has been serving local citizens for home health, hospice, public health, dental care and environmental quality since 1931. Health care is undergoing some fundamental changes in...
Dear Editor: On Wednesday, Feb. 15, Groton Board of Trade welcomed a conversation about the Groton Dunstable Regional High School Chamber Choir. They were interested to learn more about the need to raise funds to help this group of 30 students to perform at the London Olympics in 2012. I really...


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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