Dear Groton, Dunstable School committee members. Thank you very much for honoring me by naming the Groton Dunstable Regional South building, the Marion Stoddard Building.
It is my hope that future students will be inspired to make a difference in the world. I want them to know that they do not...
I just discovered Deborah Burton’s go-fund-me page for rescuing the Oliver Prescott House. I am upset. What’s next, the Pentagon asking for bake sale donations for new tanks?
Most of the people living in Groton appreciate how nurturing being in this town feels. The townspeople residing here in...
Most people have not heard the “hole” story about how Lost Lake and Knops Pond were formed. The story starts between 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago during the Ice Age in North America when two kettle holes were formed eventually creating two ponds: Knops Pond and Springy Pond. Prior to 1850, these...
The fiscal challenge that the Town of Groton now faces has prompted many of us to become frustrated as we try to make sense of the financial relationships between our three major nonprofits and the Town. But, while we need to advocate for what we feel is right, until we have all the facts, we also...
Dear Community Members,
This year has been a remarkable journey for the Groton Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF) as we've had the privilege of contributing more than $22,000 back into the Groton Dunstable Regional School District.
In our major grant cycles, we were thrilled to support six...
Over a year ago the Town Manager, Select Board, Finance Committee, and Regional School Committee identified significant concerns in coming years about the projected imbalance between revenues and expenses for the municipal and educational needs of our community. Work began immediately to review...
Join Us in Wishing Fire Chief Steele McCurdy the Best of Luck.
As Chief McCurdy embarks on his next chapter, we gather to express our gratitude for his dedication and service to the Groton Fire Department and the residents of Groton.
Event Details
Date: Friday, May 17
Time: 1 – 3 p.m....
You’re all invited to come enjoy all that the Groton Business Association’s Spring GrotonFest has to offer on Sunday, May 19 and enjoy a fun, casual chance to learn more about Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles directly from the owners of them!
Sustainable Groton, together with more than one...
This essay, written by Groton-Dunstable Regional High School’s 2022 Valedictorian, Sylvia Han, provides the best answer to the question of why a school should be named for Marion Stoddart.
Asked to write about the importance of civic engagement for the Old Groton Meetinghouse Essay Contest, Ms...
The GDEA is disappointed that the Groton Dunstable School Committee decided to take us to mediation. This was not something the GDEA wanted. We have done our best to be accommodating to the SC, including starting the negotiation process much earlier than normal and having all our proposals by the...