Dear Editor:
Bravo and a heartfelt congratulations to the entire cast and crew of The Jungle Book. We were amazed and captivated by your talent and creativity. For more than 20 years, Joby Jeffrey has inspired "a village" of children and adults who work tirelessly for months to transport us...
Dear Editor:
I'd like to encourage my fellow Groton residents to join me in supporting Josh Degen for Selectman. I've known Josh for a long time, and I know that he cares about our town, and works hard at making Groton a better place to live.
This kind of dedication is not easy to find, and I'm...
Dear Editor,
There are several problems that pop up when trying to understand what drives gun crime. One of the first is that many people do not understand guns - I refer to the mechanical tools that use a burning propellant to generate high-pressure gases and send a bullet down the barrel and...
Dear Editor:
I'm confused. The headline of the March 4 edition of GrotonHerald.com states, "Selectmen Ignore Will of Town Meeting by Not Continuing Personnel Board." Please correct me if I am wrong, but does anyone need to read the remainder of the article? Isn't the headline enough to make...
Dear Editor,
On Friday, March 1, we welcomed a few hundred smiling faces to Richardson-Mees Performing Arts Center at Lawrence Academy for our fifth annual FOODraiser for Loaves & Fishes, featuring top Boston street performers The Jim Show, Alakazam The Human Knot, and surprise guest Daniel...
Dear Editor,
The town may have governed itself for 350 years by town meeting, but it has only had a zero quorum for a few years and all prior major infrastructure investments have been debt excluded and submitted to the ballot for final authorization. The public service building, library...
Dear Editor:
Walk with me for a moment, and follow a simple trail of logic.
Let's turn back the calendar to 2003. Back then we felt that we were over-run with guns, and over-run with gun violence. No real difference, past and present. Back then the NRA's solution to gun violence was more guns in...
Dear Editor,
In my recent letter about gun control and the types of people who commit mass murders, I gave general examples based on known facts about a large number of such criminals (or terrorists; perhaps a better word to use). What I didn't do was cherry-pick examples to make my point. I...
To the Editor:
I am taking the opportunity to endorse Josh Degan for selectman. He and I came on to town government at the same time driven by the same circumstance. He has done an outstanding job as planning board member and selectman. Therefore, I believe the town loses if he is not reelected....
Dear Editor,
Fire House contracts are awarded so it must be time to move on to planning for the next project to be presented to Town Meeting. It was stated that the plan was always to fund the Fire House under the levy limit, although I did not see any public commitment to this, and thus prevent...