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Proud to Be a Grotonian

Dear Editor:

On behalf of the Groton Lakes Association (GLA) I must thank the citizens of Groton for voting at the Special Town Meeting on Saturday in support of Article 1: Herbicide Treatment for Lost Lake/Kops Pond. I must also thank Mark Haddad for guiding us through the process for pulling the project together for submission to the Special Town Meeting. I thank Josh Degen for his guidance and the entire Board of Selectmen for their unanimous support. We also thank Michelle Collette for leading additional efforts regarding storm water runoff and erosion control efforts.

We thank the Planning Board, the Finance Committee, and the Board of Health for their support and the Great Ponds Advisory Committee for their unanimous vote supporting our proposal. And I must thank Barbara Ganem and the members of the Groton Conservation Commission for listening to our concerns and voting to support our restoration efforts for these great natural resources in the Town of Groton. Specifically I would like to Thank Craig Auman, Chairman of the Conservation Commission for fostering joint efforts between the Groton Lakes Association, the Conservation Committee and other Groton organizations to tackle further efforts to reduce the amount nutrient loading in the lakes and to prevent weeds from entering the lakes a the public boat launch. And last but not least I again thank Alex Woodle and Savas Danos for their tireless work and great advice.

I am proud to be a Grotonian!

Art Prest

President of the Groton Lakes Association

Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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