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It's easy to spend other people's Money

Dear Residents of Groton:

You may not be well informed about the new Fire Station. It is easy to spend other people's money as long as fire station people tell you we need it. But do we need it what is proposed? Look at the cost of the Lost Lake Station! We have to take money (again) to finish a basketball court behind it. We also spent $450,000 on a truck that is made to fit the old station. If we have a new station, we will need to buy a new truck to fit it.

This asking for money has become a custom in this town, as other towns do more with less. You need to have the right people to take care of the equipment. Station 3 has five members and no one is around during the day. We just bought a new truck (as I mentioned before), but we have not bought a new forestry truck since 1971. It makes it unsafe for the firefighters to use it. We did the Tonker retube; we could've had a brand new truck, but we wrote the bid low to only accommodate certain vendors. Our refurbished truck still has a 1989 tank and a 2000 body! Engine 4 was purchased without a town vote. We won't talk about how fill-in shifts don't always have firefighters helmets. So start asking some questions about this new station and who is around to make it. Any member of Selectmen can call me any time. This is only some of what is going on, and there is a lot more of your money being wasted...

Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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