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Greenway River Festival will be held Sunday, June 19, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., a great way to celebrate Father's Day with Dad. Sponsored by Groton Greenway Committee, complete with famous cardboard canoe races. All events free. Canoeing all day courtesy of Nashoba Paddler LLC, environmental displays and...
Christian Union Church is holding their Big 4 fundraiser.  That’s right, Big 4!  Yard sale where everyone can find that special treasure they are searching for, bake sale, homemade frozen pies (apple) - you bake; car wash - who doesn’t have a dirty car? We will wash it for a donation; and what...
“EGYPT:" 16th Annual Vacation Bible School for children ages four to fourth grade graduates at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. Registration forms can be found at: During the mornings of July 25 to the 29, we will travel to Egypt in our imaginations as we explore “Joseph’s...
Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, with Groton Board of Health announces a Well Adult Clinic will be held Thursday, July 14 from 11:30 am –1 pm at the Senior Center, 163 West Main St. Groton. Drop in for blood pressure, pulse screening and diet teaching. No appointment necessary. For more info...
The Groton Council on Aging and Friends of Groton Elders are co-sponsoring a trip to Tanglewood for the Boston Symphony Orchestra performance of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony Sunday, August 28 with a cost of $77 for seniors and $102 for non-seniors.  The trip includes, transportation, tickets for...
Harlan is still waiting to be found.  He is on a trail not far from a young American  Beech (Fagus grandifolia)  tree grouping.  There is a beautiful grove of older American Beech trees on the Williams barn trail but Harlan is not there.  Beech are uncommon in Groton.  They are easy to recognize...
Watch for turtles on roads and when mowing lawns, as turtles move great distances in search of food, mates, nesting sites, and varied habitats. There can be larger adult turtles and tiny hatchlings the size of a quarter! Hatchlings typically emerge in late summer to early. Raise mower decks to...
The Nashua River watershed is home to over 100 species of edible wild plants, many of which are more nutritious and/or flavorful than their cultivated counterparts.  The Nashua River Watershed Association and the Pepperell Conservation Commission invite the public to attend a free “Wild Edibles...
Harlan has been enjoying the fine weather this week. The bluets are still blooming but turning more pale. He is a good hike from the road and there are at least three trails that can be taken to see him. One way is a bit wet but you can pick a dry trail.  He is resting near a rock outcropping with...
All are welcome to the next Groton Community Dinners Friday, May 27 at First Parish Church, intersection of Rtes. 40/119, Groton. Dinner is served continuously 5:45-7 p.m. Join in for live music, delicious food, and good company. May’s meal is Tuscan Herbed Chicken or Soy with White Beans, Fresh...


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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