The Friends of Groton Elders Talk with Tom Discussion Group led by Tom Hartnett. Monday, Jan. 25, 10:30 am At Groton Senior Center. Tom will lead a discussion on Groton current happenings Join us for coffee and bring your questions and concerns. The group is open to everyone.
The first Groton Community Dinners of 2016 is Friday, Jan. 29. Partake in a wonderful, seasonal meal prepared by friends at Groton School. Rob Campagna Guitar School students will be the evening's musical guests. Dinner runs continuously from 5:45-7 p.m. at First Parish Church, corner of Rtrs. 40/...
The 2nd Annual Groton Conservation Summit is Wednesday, February 3, 7 pm at the Lawrence Academy Media Conference Center. (Snow date February 10).
Conservation groups in Groton will share updates on their projects and have a chance to network on common interests.
A short documentary film "...
Children need outdoor time in nature during long winter months. Come explore the exciting winter world with Nashua River Watershed Association's Eco-Adventurer Gaynor B. this February vacation!
There will be programs for children 6 to 9 years of age Feb. 17, 18, and 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sign up...
Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, in conjunction with Groton Board of Health, announces that a Well Adult Clinic will be held Thursday, Feb. 11 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Senior Center, 163 West Main St. Groton. Drop in for blood pressure, pulse screening and diet teaching. No appointment...
We invite you to Lawrence Academy's Conant Gallery this Sunday, Jan. 17, 2-3:30 p.m. when Fritz Wetherbee, New Hampshire writer and television host (and recipient of five New England Emmy Awards), will join artist Janet Hulings Bleickman and other storytellers on the Lawrence Academy campus...
Groton Woman's Club will hold their first meeting of the new year Friday, Jan. 15th, at the Union Congregational Church. The meeting will start with a luncheon at 11:30 a.m., followed by a brief meeting and then the program. Dr. Michael Volmar, Curator at Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, will be...
What do you get when you combine an herbalist and a chemist? You get natural soap! Join us Jan. 12, 7pm at the Historical Groton Grange #7 to meet the multi-talented herbalist and Groton resident Linda Saraco.
Linda and her team have developed their company, Zasscelou, to provide an all-natural...
Looking for a fun, free, family friendly event? Well Groton PAL has you covered! Come on down to Lost Lake Fire Station for Movie Night on Saturday, Jan. 23 from 5-7 PM. We will be showing Cinderella!
Popcorn donated by Worker's Credit Union and Pizza donated by Groton House of Pizza! For more...
Sunday, Jan. 10 at 1PM sharp, join members of Groton Trails Committee and the Appalachian Mountain Club on a guided hike through the Rocky Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, owned by Mass Audubon. This is a great area to hike in, with a beautiful observation point on Long Pond, a beaver marsh, hills and...