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Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA) is offering this free hands-on program for families with children 6 years and up. Grandparents welcome! Our “Woodland Creature Crafting Workshop” takes place Sunday Nov. 20, 1:30 to 4p.m., at NRWA River Resource Center, 592 Main St. (Rt. 119) Groton. Join...
First Parish of Groton is accepting donations of toiletries and warm clothing in good condition for those who are homeless in Boston. These will be distributed by church youth and adult volunteers in November. Donations may be brought to the Parish House during the week or to the church on Sunday ...
Groton Garden Club and Groton Fire Dept. invites parents and children to an Open House Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m. - noon. Come down to the Center Fire Station, 45 Farmers Row, Groton for a tour and to meet a special guest who will talk about preventing forest fires.  All welcome.  Children in...
Groton Grange #7 offers traditional New England Contra Dancing Saturday, Nov.5, 7:30 - 10PM at Historic Groton Grange Hall, 80 Champney St. An evening of live music and dancing with Groton’s own Contra Banditos along with  caller Dudley Laufman,  who will teach traditional New England style contra...
Groton Council on Aging line dancing, all levels., Thur., 10:30-11:30 a.m. with Barb Longfellow. A great way to exercise, upbeat music. To register call, 978-448-1170. Cost $5/class payable to instructor.
Indian Hill Music will launch this season’s ‘Discovery Lecture’ series in November with a distinguished roster of guest speakers who will offer their insights on a wide variety of cultural and historical music topics. All lectures are held on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at Indian Hill Music, 36 King...
With preparations for the Groton Woman’s Club’s Annual Greens Sale in full gear, Club members Pat Woods (l) and Tracy Molasky (r) flank one of the special raffle prizes slated for this year’s sale. The Antique Sled will be beautifully decorated along with beautiful ribbon wreaths and tree toppers...
First Parish of Groton is accepting donations of toiletries and warm clothing in good condition for those who are homeless in Boston. These will be distributed to homeless people in the city by church youth and adult volunteers in November. Donations may be brought to the Parish House during the...
Shine Counselors will be conducting a Medicare Open Enrollment Update Meeting  Monday, October 31 at 1pm at the Senior Center. Changes to Medicare or Medicare Health Plans or Drug Plans for the 2017 plan year will be addressed.  Please be sure to attend by calling the senior center,  978-448-1170
Democratic Town Committee will meet Sunday, Oct. 30 at 4 p.m. at Legion Hall, 75 Hollis St. We’ll be preparing for the Nov. 8 elections. All Democrats welcome. For more info contact:,


Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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