Nobel prize winning poet, W.B. Yeats will be the subject of a four-week program at the Groton Senior Center led by Stephen Collins. Critics have called Yeats the great poet of old age. Most of what are considered his masterpieces he composed after age 60. Mr. Collins will look at those and...
The 2017-2018 Groton Cultural Council Grant Cycle has opened and will run through October 16. Online applications as well as more information about the process can be found at: http://www.mass-culture.org/lcc_public.aspx.
There will be a public meeting at Groton Public Library in the Community...
Sunday 24 Sep 2017 from 1:00-3:00 p.m enjoy a free guided hike at Gamlin Crystal Spring with a member of the Groton Trails Committee. Explore this large and pretty area of various conservation lands, including a number of beaver ponds, meadows, and upland forest.
Meet at the Crystal Spring...
Union Congregational Church Annual Harvest Fair, Saturday, Sept. 30, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Rain or Shine! Events include: Craft fair, Silent Auction and “Attic Treasures”, gently used children’s clothing, toys and games for sale, Chili Tasting Contest, Brick Oven Pizza outside under a tent, and...
A craft fair, silent auction and “Attic Treasures”, gently used children’s clothing, toys and games for sale, a chili tasting contest, brick oven pizza outside under a tent, children’s games and bouncy house are featured events at Union Congregational Church's AnnualHarvest Fair on Saturday ...
Concert pianist Michelle Cann brings her musical eloquence and athleticism to Groton School September 21 at 7:00 p.m.—kicking off this year’s Edward B. Gammons Concert Series. All performances in the series are free and open to the public.
Please plan to attend all the concerts, which take place in...
Groton Woman’s Club will hold the first meeting of the year at the home of Audrey Bryce, 564 Longley Road, Friday, September 15. The Garden Party, held rain or shine, will begin at 11:30 a.m. Hostess Chairmen for the party are Marie Melican and Andrea Burrier. Meetings of Groton Woman’s Club...
The Groton History Center invites you to join us on Sunday, September 17. Mr. Carl Byron from the Boston and Maine Historical Society will speak about "Groton Junction." When Ayer was part of Groton, South Groton or Groton Junction became a center for both railroad freight and passengers. This...
The Groton Council on Aging invites the community to join us for a conversation with members of Shri Shirdi Sai Bada Hindu Temple and learn about their beliefs, practices and relationship vision in Groton. They will be joining us at the senior center, 163 W Main Street, on Tuesday, September...
The first in a series of nine monthly lunches hosted by the Groton Women’s Club will be September 20 at 12:00pm at the senior center. A fabulous lunch Tacos with ground turkey, bean salad and orange sherbet will be followed by the Fred Fowler and his fiddle! Fred’s performances include old...