Vacation Bible School
"Athens: Paul's Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth"-Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church and St. David's Episcopal Church will be jointly hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children age four up to fourth grade graduates. The program will take place at the Groton Grange Hall during the mornings of July 29 to August 2.
Hear the story of the Apostle Paul's journey to Athens where he shared the message of God's love and abiding presence. Paul's story of faithfulness will be dramatized each morning in large group sessions.
Following the skit and singing time, small groups will rotate through the VBS stations: Crafts, Science & Culture of Ancient Greece, Small Group Sharing, Games and Snacks. Registration forms are available at both churches' web-sites: and For more information, contact Margaret Doyle at 978-772-7095. There is no charge for this program.