Scouting Food Drive
Groton Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (and Girl Scouts in Shirley and Dunstable) will hold a food drive to benefit Devens' Loaves & Fishes food pantry. On April 4/5, scouts will distribute door hangers around neighborhoods with a list of items the pantry is looking for. If you receive a hanger and would like us to pick up your donations, place your donations in a bag or box outside your home, visible from the street, with the hanger attached by 9 a.m. April 11. The scout that dropped off the hanger will come by to pick it up.
Scouts will also have donation tables at three local grocery stores - Donelan's in Groton, Shaw's in Groton, and new Market Basket in Littleton. Donation tables will be at stores from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. So, if you do not receive a door hanger, but would still like to contribute, stop by.
For more info about scouting in Groton/Dunstable visit For more information on Loaves and Fishes visit