LOCA EVENT: Beyond Weatherization
Are you concerned about cost and environmental impacts of heating and/or cooling your older home? Do you feel unprepared to deal with uncertain fuel supplies and rising energy prices? Would you like to do something about it but aren't sure what to do or where to begin?
If so, join us Weds., April 23, at 7 p.m. at NRWA River Resource Center, 592 Main St. (Rt. 119), Groton. for an interactive presentation and discussion of sensible, cost-effective projects you can undertake to increase the energy efficiency and comfort of your home.
Starting with your questions, home energy experts Mike Duclos and Kerry Koskinen will lead the discussion and share their experience. Mike is the founder of The DEAP Energy Group, LLC, a consultancy providing a wide variety of Deep Energy Retrofit, Zero Net Energy and Passive House-related assessment and planning services. He designed the second certified Passive House in Mass. and helped prepare the Passive House Planning Package for the first EnerPHIT-certified retrofitted home in the US.
Kerry is the owner of RetroFuture Remodeling, a general contractor specializing inrenovating older homes for higher efficiency and lower carbon footprint. Focusing on
proper weather management and getting the insulation details right, he has completed two full Deep Energy Retrofits and countless partial retrofits.
Sponsored by both Groton Local and the NRWA. Free and open to the public. Registration not required. For more info, contact Leo Laverdure at (978) 448-5700, or email leo.laverdure@verizon.net. FREE