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Leave the Kids at Home and Dance for the Arts!

Bring your spouse, friends and coworkers to Groton-Dunstable Arts Boosters' 3rd Annual Dance for the Arts, Saturday March 26, 7PM to 11PM at Groton Country Club. Tickets $15.

Enjoy a cash bar, free snacks, and a DJ who'll play your favorite songs from 1966 to 2016. Bid on silent auction items or buy a raffle for a chance to win dinner at your favorite local restaurants, gym memberships, gift baskets and more! What's keeping you at home?

Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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