FoodRaiser is Great Family Fun
Community Chiropractic in Groton community event Sunday, March 20, 2 p.m. The FoodRaiser features Faneuil Hall favorites: Brent McCoy and Alazazam. who perform family shows of comedy and physical agility. Adults and children will enjoy a great day.
All welcome, enter event for free if they bring bags of groceries for the food pantry. Monetary donations also accepted at the door. Event begins at 2 p.m., to conclude by 4.
In addition to Community Chiropractic, seven other companies are helping to underwritee event: Perkins and Anctil, Workers Credit Union, Groton Therapeutic Massage, Exit Realty, North Middlesex Bank, Groton Wellness and Gibbet Hill Grill - all 2016 sponsors.
We hope to raise thousands of pounds of food for Loaves & Fishes while providing a day of fun for all.
Tickets are a donation of sacks of non-perishable groceries which will be donated to Loaves & Fishes, which provides food, emergency shelter, and resource referral.
Patricia Stern, Executive Director of Loaves & Fishes, reports that most needed items include, juice, cereal, chunk light tuna, and jelly. Other essential items include pasta sauce, coffee, cake mixes and frosting, stewed tomatoes, coffee, shampoo, and bar soap. Learn more at For more info call t 978.448.WELL (9355).