Conant Gallery at LA
We invite you to Lawrence Academy's Conant Gallery this Sunday, Jan. 17, 2-3:30 p.m. when Fritz Wetherbee, New Hampshire writer and television host (and recipient of five New England Emmy Awards), will join artist Janet Hulings Bleickman and other storytellers on the Lawrence Academy campus.
Janet Hulings Bleickman's work finds connections between Native American stories and biblical and ancient myths. Sunday's group will tell stories depicted in the paintings of Janet's work, which is currently on view in the LA exhibition, "Coyote, Turtle, the Ark and the Dove," which opened Jan. 8. Parking available in the Conant Gallery lot off campus entrance on Rte. 40. Light refreshments served.
Exhibit remains on display through Feb. 28,. Gallery hours Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat. and Sun.12- 4p.m. Visit for directions.