Area Historical Societies Host Apple Talk  
Do you have an old apple tree in your back yard? Ever wonder what variety it is? On Wednesday, Oct. 29, John Bunker, Apple Historian, Orchardist and Fruit Explorer will identify local apples and talk about the uses, varieties and culture of apples, including grafting and pruning, and will talk about the care of trees.
Co-sponsored by Westford Historical Society, Littleton Historical Society and Groton Historical Society, the talk is titled "The History of the Apple: Central Asia to the Nashoba Valley" and will be held at First Parish Church United of Westford, 48 Main St., Westford at 7 pm. At 6 pm he will host a program called "Name Your Apple" and you are invited to bring an apple for Mr. Bunker to identify.
John Bunker is a twenty-first century answer to Johnny Appleseed as he is today's foremost authority on heritage apples. He raises more than 200 varieties of apples at Super Chilly Farm in Palermo, Maine, and he has tracked down rare breeds of apples through the United States and Canada. In pomological circles, John is considered the "Apple Guru." He conducts apple pie tasting contests and various apple events, leads talks, and travels extensively looking for rare apples. In 2007, John Bunker published Not Far From the Tree: A Brief History of the Apples and the Orchards of Palermo Maine, 1804-2004. His talk will also include the reasons why old apples might be especially important today and in the future.
Cider and apple snacks will be served; Program is pen to the public thanks in part to a grant from Town of Groton's Trust Funds' lecture fund, although donations will be accepted. Call Groton Historical Society 478- 448-0092, Littleton Historical Society 978-486-8202 or Westford Historical Society 978-692-5550 or for more info or check their websites:, or