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Groton Legals

Public Hearing Notice
Under the authority granted under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 111, Section 31, the Groton Board of Health will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 7:45 PM virtually via Zoom to consider the application for the following variances from the Local Well Regulations submitted by Donald Black on behalf of the Groton Park Commission:
     1) Chapter 330, Section 330-6 Well Location
The applicant is requesting a variance to the setback requirements for the installation of a new irrigation well at the Cow Pond Soccer Field. The setbacks are listed under Well Regulations, Chapter 330, Section 330-12 Drilled Wells. We are requesting a variance that would locate the well at the edge of the Cow Pond Field parking area which is adjacent to the existing shallow well that is being decommissioned. This well is for irrigation purposes only and will be labeled as such.
Copies of the proposed variance request are on file in the Board of Health’s office in Town Hall.
GROTON BOARD OF HEALTH Jason Weber, Chairman
4/16/2021 C
Town of Groton
Planning Board Vacancy
As required by MGL Chapter 41, Section 10 and 11, notice is hereby given that a vacancy exists on the Groton Planning Board. The appointment to fill said vacancy shall be discussed and voted on at a joint meeting between the Select Board and the remaining Planning Board Members on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 10:00 AM, virtually, via Zoom (link to meeting can be found on the final posted agenda located at, at least 48 hours before the meeting). This appointment will be until the 2021 Annual Town Election scheduled to be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Interested candidates would then need to run in the 2021 Annual Town Election for the new three (3) year term.
     All interested individuals need to complete a Committee Interest Form by 1:00 PM on Friday, April 16, 2021. An online Committee Interest Form can be found at https://www.grotonma. gov/government/boards- and-committees/committee- interest-form/.
Alison S. Manugian, Select Board Chair
Russel Burke, Planning Board Chair
April 9, 2021 G
There will be a Spring Town Meeting on Saturday, May 1, 2021, at 9:00 A.M., at the Middle School Track Behind Florence Roche Elementary School, 342 Main Street, Groton, MA. The purpose of this Town Meeting will be to vote on articles contained in the May 1, 2021 Spring Town Meeting Warrant being mailed to all residents on April 16, 2021. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
     Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the date, time and/ or location of the 2021 Spring Town Meeting is subject to change by the Town Moderator for the health and safety of Groton’s residents. Please follow the Town’s website at www., Town social media and/or local news sources for announcements regarding any potential change in date, time and location of the 2021 Spring Town Meeting.
Alison S. Manugian, Chair
Joshua A. Degen, Vice Chair
Rebecca H. Pine, Clerk
John R. Giger, Member
John F. Reilly, Member
April 9, 2021, April 16, 2021 F
The Town of Groton DPW will accept SEALED BIDS for the following items:
TREATED STONE SEAL - approx. 25,000 s/y
PAINTED TRAFFIC LINES - approx. 200,000 lin.ft.
ASPHALT COLD PLANING - approx. 8,000 s/y
**** BITUMINOUS CONCRETE - approx. 4,000 Tons
IN PLACE RECYCLING - approx. 8,000 s/y
RUBBER CHIP SEAL  - approx. 25,000 s/y
All materials must meet Mass. Highway Department specifications for Highways and Bridges. Wages paid shall not be less than those prescribed by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development in accordance with Mass. General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 25- 27D inclusive.
     Request for documents will be available to prequalified companies, by emailing This Bid shall be governed by the requirements of M.G.L. c. 30, §39M,orM.G.L.c.30B,§5 the Uniform Procurement Act. Proposals must be received by 10:00 a.m. on April 15, 2021 by electronic file upload at .
government/boards-and- committees/select-board/2021- annual-bid-requirements/
     The Town of Groton reserves the right to waive any informalities in bids, and to reject any and all bids if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the town.”
4/2/2021 E
Notice of Public Hearing
In accordance with Chapter 83 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Town of Groton Sewer Regulations, and the Policy and Guidelines for a Submission to Extend Sewer District, the Groton Sewer Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 at 2:15 P.M. via Virtual Meeting using Zoom Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a proposed sewer extension to the property shown on Assessors’ Map 109, Lot 43-0 being a portion of 108 Pleasant Street. Please see Meeting posted at https://www.grotonma. gov/events/ for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
Groton Sewer Commission
James L. Gmeiner
4/2/2021 L
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 6:30 pm via ZOOM webinar, meeting ID#834 4317 9246 to convene the hearing for the application of Jen Spencer, 68 School St., Dunstable, MA 01827, for a special permit to allow the alteration of a non-conforming structure/use on a non-conforming lot on Lot 115- 36, 48 Boston Rd., Groton, MA. Please refer to Section 218-6 and any other applicable section of the Groton Zoning By-Law. This legal notice shall publish at
Bruce Easom, Chairman 4/2 and 4/9/21 K
Public Hearing Notice
Scenic Roads Application –
Chicopee Row, Assessor’s Parcel 225-55
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 184-3 and 381-48 of the Code of the Town of Groton, the Planning Board and Tree Warden will hold a virtual public hearing via Zoom on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 7:10 PM to consider the application submitted by the Groton Trails Committee to alter 12 feet of stone wall and remove one (1) public shade tree within the right-of-way located on Chicopee Row at the Fritz & Helen Walker Conservation Area (Assessors Map 225; Parcel 55). The purpose of the request is to allow the existing Brown Trail to be re-routed in order to create a safer connection across Chicopee Row to the Sørhaug Woods trail.
     You may attend this virtual public hearing on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom. us/j/87579689274 or by calling (929) 205 6099 or 301-715- 8592. The Webinar ID is 875 7968 9274.
     Copies of the application and plan are on file in the Planning Board office and the Town Clerk’s office in the Town Hall. The Town of Groton does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Further, a signed translation of this public hearing will be provided for the hearing impaired upon request by contacting the Planning Board at (978) 448-1105 at least one week prior to the hearing.
Russell Burke, Chair
Robert T. Delaney
April 2 and 9, 2021 I
76 Farmers Row
In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40C, the Groton Historic Districts Commission (GHDC) will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at 7:35 pm. Abutters and interested persons may participate in the Hearing by following the instructions which will be provided at the beginning of the meeting. This meeting will be held to consider the application submitted by Platt Builders, Inc, seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for 76 Farmers Row, Assessors Map 108-11-0, owners, Katherine and Daniel Von Kohorn to construct a 1 and 1⁄2 story, post and beam barn/garage, 38’ by 36’ with lower-level storage. Property owners: Daniel and Katherine Von Kohorn, Groton, MA 01450 Assessors Map 108-11- 0.
     Copies of the application and supporting materials are available for review by contacting the GHDC via the Land Use Dept, 2nd floor of the Town Hall.
Peter Benedict, Chair
Historic Districts Commission
4/2, 4/9/2021 G
Premises: 27 Chicopee Row, Groton, MA 01450
By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Paul J. Palmer, Sr., as Trustee of the Chicopee Row Realty Trust to Citizens Bank of Massachusetts, and now held by Citizens Bank, N.A. f/k/a RBS Citizens, N.A. s/b/m Citizens Bank of Massachusetts, said mortgage dated August 22, 2005 and filed in the Middlesex County (Southern District) Registry District of the Land Court as Document No.: 1728796 and noted on Certificate of Title No.: 234379, for breach of the conditions in said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction on April 27, 2021 at 11:00 AM Local Time upon the premises, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, to wit:
     The land with the buildings thereon, situated on the northwesterly side of Chicopee Row, Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, being shown as Lot 8 on a plan entitled “Plan of Land in Groton, Mass.” being a Subdivision of Land Court Plan 653B, Owner and Applicant Matthew Aumais and Anne M. Aumais, Scale 1” = 40’ January 18, 2000, Bill Boston Survey, Inc., and being filed in the Land Registration Office as Plan No. 653C and further bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly side of Chicopee Row, at a stone bound set, said point being the southwesterly corner of the within described premises; thence
N 45° 03’ 00” W, for a distance of 50.00 feet as bounded by Lot 6 as shown on said plans to a point; thence turning and running
N 19° 30’ 04” W, for a distance of 214.88 feet, as bounded by Lot 6, to a point; thence turning and running
N 01° 26’ 22” E, for a distance of 262.78 feet, as bounded by said Lot6andLot7onsaidplan,to a point at land now or formerly of William W. Ambrose as shown on said plan, thence turning and running
N 53° 06’ 36” E, for a distance of 74.20 feet, as bounded by said Ambrose land, to a point; thence turning mod running
S 27° 18’ 00” E, for a distance of 432.08 feet, as bounded by land now or formerly of Stuart Schulman and Susan Randazzo Schulman as shown on said plan, to a point on the northwesterly side of said Chicopee Row; thence turning and running
S 44° 12’ 00” W, for a distance of 210.25 feet, as bounded by the northwesterly side of said Chicopee Row, to a stone bound found; thence turning and running
S 44° 57’ 00” W, for a distance of 14.75 feet, as bounded by the northwesterly side of said Chicopee Row, to the point of beginning.
Containing 80,395 square feet (1.85 acres) according to said plan.
Subject to and with the benefit of a Utility Easement and a Grading Easement contained in the deed to the grantors from Matthew A. Aumais and Anne M. Aumais dated August 11, 2000 and recorded with the Middlesex County Southern District of the Land Court as Document No. 1146552, as noted on Certificate 219090 in Book 1225, Page 140.
Being the same premises conveyed to the mortgagor by deed of Paul J. Palmer, Sr, Paul J. Palmer, Jr. and Susan L. Palmer dated July 12,2005 and registered With the Middlesex County Southern District of the Land Court as Document No. 1380142, Certificate of Tile 234379, Book 1304, Page 24.
The description of the property contained in the mortgage shall control in the event of a typographical error in this publication.
For Mortgagor’s Title see deed dated July 12, 2005 and recorded in the Middlesex County (Southern District) Registry District of the Land Court in Book 1304, Page 24.
     TERMS OF SALE: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.
     FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid in cash, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within thirty (30) days after the date of sale.
     Other terms to be announced at the sale.
Brock & Scott, PLLC
1080 Main Street, Suite 200
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Attorney for Citizens Bank,
N.A. f/k/a RBS Citizens,
N.A. s/b/m Citizens Bank of Massachusetts
Present Holder of the Mortgage
4.2, 4.9, 4.16, 2021 F
Public Meeting Notice
Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Charles Bryne for the demolition of an existing dwelling at 28 Redskin Trail (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 129- 146). Please see https://www. for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
     Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@ or calling 978- 448-1106.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hurley, Chairman
Groton Conservation Commission
4/2/2021 D


Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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