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Groton Legals

Public Meeting Notice Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:40 p.m. The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Groton School for the replacement on an existing sewer line at the school’s Sheerin House (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 219-04). Please see https:// for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@townofgroton. org or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted, Larry Hurley, Chairman Groton Conservation Commission
5/14/2021 D
Public Meeting Notice Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Groton School for the replacement of an existing subsurface fuel tank at the school’s boiler house (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 219-02). Please see events/ for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@townofgroton. org or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted, Larry Hurley, Chairman Groton Conservation Commission
5/14/2021 C
Public Meeting Notice Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by the Groton Invasive Species Committee for the treatment of invasive vegetation at the Campbell Well Site (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 210-08). Please see https:// for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@townofgroton. org or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted, Larry Hurley, Chairman Groton Conservation Commission
5/14/2021 B
Docket No. MI21P1673EA
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Middlesex Division
Estate of Margarett Lee Alexander
Also Know As: Margarett L. Alexander
Date of Death: January 3, 2021
To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of
Petitioner Dawn E. Alexander of Lunenburg, MA
a Will has been admitted to informal probate.
Dawn E. Alexander of Lunenburg, MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond.
     The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of the Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedures. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner.
5/7/2021 C
The Groton Select Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:15 P.M. virtually, via Zoom (link to meeting can be found on the final posted agenda located at www., at least 48 hours before the meeting), to discuss and consider a new all alcohol, on-premise restaurant liquor license application submitted by Cambridge Cuisine, LLC, dba The Herb Lyceum, with William Gilson named as Manager, for the premise located at 368 Main Street, Groton, MA.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Alison S. Manugian, Chair J
oshua A. Degen, Vice Chair
Rebecca H. Pine, Clerk
John R. Giger, Member
John F. Reilly, Member
4/30/2021, 5/7/2021 K
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 6:30 pm via ZOOM webinar, meeting ID#886 9602 2102 to convene the hearing for the application of David Gilson, 368 Main St., Groton, MA 01450, for a special permit to allow the operation of an Air BnB on Lot 110-40, 368 Main St., Groton, MA. Please refer to Section 218- 5.2 and any other applicable section of the Groton Zoning By-Law. This legal notice shall publish at www.masspublishers. org.
Bruce Easom, Chairman
4/30/2021 and 5/7/2021 G
The Town of Groton DPW will accept SEALED BIDS for the following items:
TREATED STONE SEAL - approx. 25,000 s/y
PAINTED TRAFFIC LINES - approx. 200,000 lin.ft. FIBER REINFORCED CRACK SEALING - approx. 5,000gal. ASPHALT COLD PLANING - approx. 8,000 s/y
All materials must meet Mass. Highway Department specifications for Highways and Bridges. Wages paid shall not be less than those prescribed by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development in accordance with Mass. General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 25- 27D inclusive.
     Request for documents will be available to prequalified companies, by emailing This Bid shall be governed by the requirements of M.G.L. c. 30, §39M,orM.G.L.c.30B,§5 the Uniform Procurement Act. Proposals must be received by 10:00 a.m. on May 20, 2021 by electronic file upload at government/boards-and- committees/select-board/2021- annual-bid-part-2/
     The Town of Groton reserves the right to waive any informalities in bids, and to reject any and all bids if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the town.
4/30/2021 J
Public Hearing Notice
Under the authority granted under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 111, Section 31, the Groton Board of Health will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 7PM vir- tually via Zoom to consider the application for the following variances from the Local Well Regulations submitted by New England Well & Pump Company on behalf of Mark Roder:
Chapter 330, Section 330-6 Well Location
The applicant is requesting a variance to the 100’ drilled well setback requirement from a water body. They are requesting a variance that would allow the drilled well to be positioned 60’ from the edge of Knops Pond.
The property is located at 134 Shelters Road.
Copies of the proposed variance request are on file in the
Board of Health’s office in Town Hall.
Jason Weber, Chairman
4/30/2021 H
Public Meeting Notice
Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:40 p.m. The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Kimberly Rogers, Esq. for the installation of a sewage disposal system at 162 Martins Pond Road (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 224-03). Please see events/ for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
     Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@townofgroton. org or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hurley, Chairman
Groton Conservation Commission
4/30/2021 F
Public Meeting Notice Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:50 p.m. The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order to consider a Notice of Intent (NOI) filed by Robert Margolius for the construction of a residential addition at 16 Maple Ave. (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 212-20.1). Please see https:// for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
     Copies of the NOI are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@townofgroton. org or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hurley, Chairman
Groton Conservation Commission
4/30/2021 E


Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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