Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Road Commissioners at the Town Hall, 511 Main St., Dunstable, MA for Dunstable’s seasonal requirements for the following materials:
Item # & Name of Item, Estimated Quantity
#1 Washed and Screened Sand, 3000 ton
#2 High Performance Patch, 200 ton
#3 RAP (recycled asphalt), 1000 ton
#4 Crushed Stone – all sizes, 1000 ton
#5 Bituminous Concrete (at plant), 400 ton
#6 Bituminous Concrete (laid in place*)**, 4000 ton
#7 Road Salt Services, 5000 ton
#8 Handwork**, 500 ton
#9 Cape Cod Berm, ** 1000 feet
#10 Raise and Adjust Castings for Overlay, 25 each
#11 Rebuild Manholes and Catch basins, 20 each
#12 New Catch basin and Manhole Frames and Covers, 20 each
#13 Rubberized crack sealing, 20,000 linear foot
#14 Grinding transitions, 200 square yards
*with full tack coat and hot rubberized joints
**Bidders who choose to bid on bituminous concrete will need to bid on all three items: laid in place, handwork and Cape Cod berm.
All bids that fall under MGL Ch 30 S39M shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a bid bond, or cash or a certified check on, or a treasurer’s cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the awarding authority. The amount of such bid deposit shall be five percent of the value of the bid. Any person submitting a bid under this section shall on such bid, certify as follows: The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid is in all respects bona fide, fair and made without collusion or fraud with any other person.
All bids should include at plant and delivered prices. All materials must meet the Massachusetts Department of Public Works specifications and projects must be completed by the awarded bidder. If any portion of the work is to be awarded to a subcontractor, full compliance with all bid requirements must be furnished and submitted in behalf of the subcontractor with the original bid, and a performance bond must be in place by that subcontractor before that portion for the contract may commence.
All materials must meet Mass. Dept. of Public Works Specifications for Highways and Bridges. Wages paid shall not be less than those prescribed by the Commissioner of Labor and Industries in accordance with MGL Ch 149 S 26 to 27D inclusive. Bidders must be prequalified in accordance with 720 CMRF 5.00, Prequalification of Contractors by MassDOT.
Contract Time: The period for this contract is expected to be for a period of one year from the date of award with an option to renew for an additional two years. The Highway Department expects the work to begin within ten days {Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded} after issuance of notice to proceed and expects the work to be completed within the time period as indicated in the Contract and Agreement. Failure to commence work without the approval of the Dunstable Road Commissioners shall constitute grounds for revocation of any award or contract.
The bid for Item #6 – Bituminous Concrete (laid in place) shall be subject to a price adjustment for bituminous concrete mixtures in accordance with MGL Ch 303 S 60 of the Acts of 2008 as explained in Document 00811, Special Provisions, and Monthly Price Adjustment for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Mixtures (attached). The base price for asphalt cement for the bidding period is $527.50/ton using the ‘New Asphalt Period Price Method’ (April 2021).
The bid for Item #10 – Raise and Adjust Castings for Overlay
1. Under the unit price for this item, the contractor shall furnish and perform the raising and adjusting of castings for the over- lay as indicated in the delivery order.
2. Measurement for payment will be made on the basis of each casting adjusted and raised.
3. Payment for this item will be made at the unit price bid and will be considered full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment, brick, cement, tools, and incidentals to raise the casting and rebuild up to 12-inches of masonry below the cast- ing complete the work as specified.
The bid for Item #11 – Rebuild Manholes and Catch basins
4. Under the unit price for this item, the Contractor shall furnish and perform the rebuilding of structures required as determined by the Owner or as indicated in the delivery order.
5. Measurement for payment will be made on the basis of each vertical foot of structure rebuilt.
6. Measurement will not include the 12-inch rebuilding required and paid under the item Raise and Adjust Castings or Lower, Raise and Adjust Castings if applicable to structure. 7. Payment for this item will be made at the unit price bid per 12 inches and will be considered full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment, brick, cement, tools, and incidentals to complete the work as specified.
Bid envelopes must be marked “Sealed Bid (name of item)”, should include the anti-collusion statement (Addendum B), completed bid form (Addendum A) and other applicable material and must be submitted to the attention of the Board of Road Commissioners, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA 01827 and be received prior to 1 p.m. on Monday, June 28, 2021.
Bids will be opened publicly at the Town Hall, Dunstable, MA on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 4:00 pm. The Board of Road Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or portions thereof if it is in the best interest of the town to do so.
Further information may be received by contacting the office of the Board of Road Commissioners at (978) 649-4514 x227. Invitation to bid packages are available to be picked up Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Board of Road Commissioners Dept., Town Hall, 511 Main St., Dunstable, MA 01827.
*Tack coat: A tack coat of bituminous material shall be uniformly applied by mechanical means to the present surface at the rate of application of 1/20 gallon per square yard.
6/11 and 6/18/2021 C