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Groton Legals

Probate and Family Court

Middlesex Probate and Family Court

10-U Commerce Way

Woburn MA, 01801

Docket No. Ml23P4038GD




G.L. c. 1908, §5-304

In the matter of: Jackson Thomas Marchand RESPONDENT

Of: Groton, MA Alleged Incapacitated Person

To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by

Gregory A. Marchand of No. Attleboro, MA

Christina L. Marchand of No. Attleboro, MA

in the above captioned matter alleging that Jackson Thomas Marchand is in need of a Guardian and requesting that

Gregory A. Marchand of North Attleboro, MA

Christina L. Marchand of North Attleboro, MA

(or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve Without Surety on the bond.

The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority.

You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 09/08/2023. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance, you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date.


The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person's right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense.

WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H Monks, First Justice of this Court.

Date: August 24, 2023

Tara DeCristofaro, Register of Probate

9/1/2023 C


Disposition of Real Property

Located on Hoyts Wharf Road (Parcel 249-51)

And Cow Pond Brook Road (Parcel 249-57)

Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, Section 16, and M.G.L. c. 40, Section 3, the Town of Groton (the “Town”) is soliciting proposals for the disposition by sale, lease, or permanent restriction of real property declared as surplus.

The two properties to be sold, leased, or restricted permanently in whole or in part are as follows:

1. Parcel 249-51, located on Hoyts Wharf Road and consisting of approximately 10.4 acres

2. Parcel 249-57, located on Cow Pond Brook Road and consisting of approximately 24 acres

A complete RFP Package containing a copy of a plan showing the Property and information relative to the submission requirements is available at the Town Manager’s Office, Town of Groton, 173 Main Street, Groton, MA 01450, or by calling (978) 448-1111, Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, or by email at: Proposals must be submitted by October 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM to the Office of the Town Manager. Every proposal must include a deposit of 5% of the total proposed purchase price, in the form of a cashier’s check, bank check, cash or bid bond.  Proposals will be evaluated based upon criteria set forth in the RFP, which includes consideration of the proposed re-use of the Property, the proponent’s financial capability to purchase the Property, and the proposed purchase price.

The Town will award the sale, lease or permanent restriction of all or portions of the Property to the most advantageous Proposal from a responsive and responsible proposer, taking into consideration price and all other evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP. The Town reserves the right to cancel this RFP or reject any or all proposals if it is determined to be in the public interest to do so. The Request for Proposal and supporting documentation does not constitute an offer or agreement to sell or convey the Property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from a duly adopted vote of the Town’s Select Board, the execution of a purchase and sale agreement pursuant to said vote, and a vote authorizing the sale at the October 28, 2023 Fall Town Meeting.

Mark W. Haddad

Town Manager

8/25/2023, 9/1/2023 B


The Select Board has scheduled a joint public hearing with the Finance Committee for Monday, September 11, 2023, at 7:15 P.M. at the Groton Town Hall, Second Floor Meeting Room, 173 Main Street, Groton, MA. The purpose of this hearing will be to discuss the articles contained in the October 28, 2023 Fall Town Meeting Warrant.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Peter S. Cunningham, Chair

John F. Reilly, Vice Chair

Alison S. Manugian, Clerk

Rebecca H. Pine, Member

Matthew F. Pisani, Member

August 25, 2023, September 1, 2023 



The Town of Groton is seeking a resident interested in serving as a Member of the Destination Groton Committee.

There is one (1) vacancy. If interested, please submit a Committee Interest Form found on the Town Website.

Destination Groton is a five-member committee that is working to engage all Town stakeholders, including the business and non-profit communities, Town leaders, and Town residents to prepare for an increase in visitors to town while at the same time work to preserve its rural small-town charm.  Social Media and IT skills are a plus.

For more background on Destination Groton, visit

8/25 A


Public Notice

In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Bonnie Stackpole for the replacement of failing retaining wall at 48 West Main Street (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 130-66). The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom - please see or call/email the office of the Conservation Commission at 978-448-1106 or for details regarding this hearing. 

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen McHugh, Chair

Groton Conservation Commission

8/25/2023 B




The Select Board has scheduled a joint public hearing with the Finance Committee for Monday, September 11, 2023, at 7:15 P.M. at the Groton Town Hall, Second Floor Meeting Room, 173 Main Street, Groton, MA. The purpose of this hearing will be to discuss the articles contained in the October 28, 2023 Fall Town Meeting Warrant.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Peter S. Cunningham, Chair

John F. Reilly, Vice Chair

Alison S. Manugian, Clerk

Rebecca H. Pine, Member

Matthew F. Pisani, Member

August 25, 2023, September 1, 2023 



Disposition of Real Property

Located on Hoyts Wharf Road (Parcel 249-51)

And Cow Pond Brook Road (Parcel 249-57)

Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, Section 16, and M.G.L. c. 40, Section 3, the Town of Groton (the “Town”) is soliciting proposals for the disposition by sale, lease, or permanent restriction of real property declared as surplus.

The two properties to be sold, leased, or restricted permanently in whole or in part are as follows:

1. Parcel 249-51, located on Hoyts Wharf Road and consisting of approximately 10.4 acres

2. Parcel 249-57, located on Cow Pond Brook Road and consisting of approximately 24 acres

A complete RFP Package containing a copy of a plan showing the Property and information relative to the submission requirements is available at the Town Manager’s Office, Town of Groton, 173 Main Street, Groton, MA 01450, or by calling (978) 448-1111, Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, or by email at: Proposals must be submitted by October 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM to the Office of the Town Manager. Every proposal must include a deposit of 5% of the total proposed purchase price, in the form of a cashier’s check, bank check, cash or bid bond.  Proposals will be evaluated based upon criteria set forth in the RFP, which includes consideration of the proposed re-use of the Property, the proponent’s financial capability to purchase the Property, and the proposed purchase price.

The Town will award the sale, lease or permanent restriction of all or portions of the Property to the most advantageous Proposal from a responsive and responsible proposer, taking into consideration price and all other evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP. The Town reserves the right to cancel this RFP or reject any or all proposals if it is determined to be in the public interest to do so. The Request for Proposal and supporting documentation does not constitute an offer or agreement to sell or convey the Property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from a duly adopted vote of the Town’s Select Board, the execution of a purchase and sale agreement pursuant to said vote, and a vote authorizing the sale at the October 28, 2023 Fall Town Meeting.

Mark W. Haddad

Town Manager

8/25/2023, 9/1/2023 E


Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Trial Court

Probate and Family Court

Middlesex Division

10-U Commerce Way

Woburn, MA 01801

(781) 865-4000

Docket No. MI23P4198EA


Estate of: James Donald LaValley

Also Known As: James D. LaValley

Date of Death: July 25, 2022

To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Brian J. LaValley of Groton, MA a Will has been admitted to informal probate. Brian J. LaValley of Groton, MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond.

The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner.

8/25/2023 F


Invitation to Bid

Sealed bids are requested by the Town Manager for replacement of concrete pool deck and related preparation work at the Groton Country Club, 94 Lovers Lane, Groton, MA.  Specifications may be obtained Electronically by email request to or by calling 978-448-1162.

Bids will be received electronically, until 10:00 a.m. August 31, 2023. 

The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids, wholly or in part, and to accept any bid or part thereof deemed by it to be in the best interest of the Town.


8/18/2023 B



A release of oil and/or hazardous materials has occurred at this location, which is a disposal site as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, § 2 and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000. On July 18, 2023, GRIMES AEROSPACE COMPANY f/k/a FL AEROSPACE CORPORATION, recorded with the Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds a NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION on a portion of the disposal site, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1070 through 40.1080.

The NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION will limit the following site activities and uses on the portion of the property subject to the Notice of Activity and Use Limitation:

(i) Any activity associated with single or multi-family residential use of the Portion of the Property, without the prior evaluation by an LSP and as needed, additional assessment and remediation at the Portion of the Property;

(ii) Use of the Portion of the Property for an elementary or secondary school, kindergarten, pre-school, or daycare facilities. 

(iii)   Use of the Portion of the Property for active recreation, e.g., playing fields or a playground; and

(iv)   Use of the Portion of Property for cultivation of plants such as fruits or vegetables for human consumption, and other agricultural uses.


The NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION and the disposal site file can be viewed at MassDEP website using Release Tracking Number (RTN) 2-0000053 at or at MassDEP, Central Regional Office – Worcester, 8 New Bond Street, Worcester, MA 01606, 508-792-7650.

8/18/2023 C


Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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