Passing by the former Lawrence Academy dorm, once known as the Waters Property, and now owned by the Groton Inn, observers could have thought the building was undergoing major renovation. The four large lifts surrounding the building were fully extended to the top of the roof on a beautiful,...
These photos were taken by a young Groton firefighter who had volunteered with an emergency rescue team from Massachusetts who travelled to Ground Zero several days after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on Sep. 11, 2001. The photos were taken four days after the...
Pictured putting together new picnic tables under the newly built pavilion at Cow Pond for the Groton-Dunstable youth soccer program are, l - r, long-time board member in charge of field maintenance and Snack Shack aficionado Jeff Ohringer, new GDSC Board President David Pitkin, and long-time girls...
by Alice Cary
For 30 years long-time Groton Conservation Trust (GCT) member Rick Muehlke has occasionally stared at a marble plaque dedicated to Major Joseph Moors and his son, Benjamin, in the sanctuary of Groton’s First Parish Church. Joseph was a soldier at the Siege of Louisburg in 1758...