Groton resident Scott Eggiman captured this extraordinary image of a red fox on Conservation land near Baddacook Pond. Foxes are excellent nighttime predators because their eyes are specially adapted to night vision. Behind light sensitive cells lies another layer called the tapetum lucidum which...

Westford Paramedic/Firefighter John Tuomi (l), New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft (c), and Groton Fire Dept. Lieutenant James Crocker (r) in the New England Patriots Trophy Room.
Westford Paramedic/Firefighter John Tuomi (l) and Groton Fire Dept. Lieutenant James Crocker (r) were welcomed on Saturday, Jan 14 to Gillette Stadium and to a private party hosted by Patriots’ owner Robert Kraft( center).
Kraft told the gathering of the life-saving efforts of these two Pats’ fans...
Work on preparing forms and pouring foundation for new Groton Inn continues throughout the winter. The Inn appears to be on track for its scheduled September opening. On left, are peaks of Boynton Meadows condos with Gibbet Hill in background.
Already tired of hearing “new year, new you”? When it comes to food resolutions, keeping it simple always works best. We all know chicken soup is good for us so start the year off right with this easy “cure what ails you” classic. (For vegetarian and glutin-free variations, see below).

Photo by Ali Manning
A pained look of disdain for the sorry condition of humanity - when compared to that of the Lordly Owl - seems to radiate from this visitor to the Manning home in West Groton on a December afternoon. Ali Manning wrote: ‘We had a visitor to our garden today. He was big - about 16” high. So glad we...
The Groton Garden Club presented 20 hand crafted and decorated boxwood trees to RiverCourt Residences in West Groton. The Boxwood Tree Workshop is an annual event where Garden Club members create one tree for themselves and one to be given away.
Pictured are Laura Semple, Groton Garden Club...

Mike Manugian, Chairman of the Charter Review Committee. Here he is shown during a 2011 discussion of building a new fire station at the site of Sacred Heart Church. File Photo courtesy of thegrotonline.
For more than a year, the seven members of Charter Review Committee have been painstakingly considering citizen suggestions for changes to the Groton Charter, deliberating on those suggestions, and making recommendations on whether to accept, reject or modify.
The review process often includes in-...

Groton Fire Chief Steele McCurdy presented citations to Groton Fire Department Lieutenant James Crocker and Westford Paramedic/Firefighter John Tuomi at the Board of Selectmen’s for their heroic efforts and quick action in saving the life of a man in cardiac arrest at Gillette Stadium Christmas Eve. Groton Fire Department members (l to R) Firefighter/EMT Dave Dubey, Captain Jim Emslie, EMT Chris Fischer. Fire Chief Steele McCurdy, Lieutenant Jim Crocker, Captain Tony Hawgood, Westford Paramedic/Firefighter John Tuomi, Firefighter/EMT Matt Pisani, Firefighter John Riley, Firefighter Heather Rhodes, EMT Patrick Kiley, Captain Susan Daly, Firefighter/EMT Jeremy Janueskiewicz, and EMT Heidi Janueskiewicz. Photo by Connie Sartini
Christmas Eve day and the New England Patriots are getting ready to play the New York Jets at Gillette Stadium.
Two close friends, Westford Paramedic/Firefighter John Tuomi and Groton Fire Lieutenant Jim Crocker come in early and are just getting settled into their seats. There is an air of...

Kiley Lawton and Emma King. Photo by Ellen Hargraves
At the December meeting of the Groton Woman’s Club, Kiley Lawton and Emma King, seniors at Groton-Dunstable Regional Secondary School, shared several of their beautiful paintings. The girls have been taking art classes throughout high school and are members of the GDRSS Art Club. Using both...