by Joshua Vollmar
On April 12, 1775, a mere seven days before the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at Lexington and Concord, Groton voted to make public the identity of the town’s loyalists, who remained committed to the British government. Immediately thereafter, the names...
by Lorena Novak
On Friday, we said goodbye to our beloved Roscoe. Many wouldn't know him by name but instead as the black and white dog that walked with his man in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Many could judge if they were on time by seeing Matt and Roscoe walking on Rt 40. 7:00...
by Mary J Metzger
It’s only been a little over a century since America officially tried to save any wild animal from extinction. In 1905, less than 300 bison, the paltry remnant of the millions that had once roamed the prairies, triggered an attempt to preserve this then still hunted...